Chapter 23 - Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab)

Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab)

627 AC     

Illustration of the digging of the Trench, the defense of Madinah from the
 invading the confederate army of musyirikin Makkah.

"O you who believe! call to mind the flavor of Allah to you when there came down upon your hosts, and We sent against them a strong wind and hosts that you saw not, and Allah sees what you do."

(Al Quran 33:9.)

Abu Sufyan, on the occasion of the retreat of the Quraish army after the battle of Uhud, had said that they would return the next year. Promising to inflict further destruction and crushing defeat on Muslims.  True to his word, when the next year arrives, he left Makkah with him leading the large army. On reaching Marru 'z Zahran he was forced to turn back home due to famine. Abu Sufyan used the period of postponement to further strengthen the Quraish army and to gather more support which he succeeded in getting active support from the Jewish clans, and also in coaxing neighboring Bedouins to destroy Islam. 

Abu Sufyan was so confident that non-believers or the mushriks of Hijaz (Arabia) agreed and joined to inflict the final crushing of Islam. Abu Sufyan mobilize a huge army consisting of the Quraish, themselves, the Jews, and the Bedouin tribes, they left Makkah and proceeded to Madinah in the fifth year of Hijra (627 A.C). 

Rasulullahﷺ being informed of the approach of this army, hurriedly summoned the Companions together to devise means to meet the situation. It was a question of great importance- for something had to be decided upon soon to save the Muslims from being entirely wiped out. Salman, the Persian companion suggested that a deep and wide trench should be dug around the city. This was agreed to by all. The digging of the trench was commenced immediately as there was no time to be lost. 

Rasulullah allocated the task among them with each group having 10 companions. Rasulullahﷺ himself taking part in the digging just like the rest of the Companions. Madinah a city of barakah, with one side a natural barrier of huge rugged rocks; and on the other, it was protected by the high stonewalls of house, so the digging of the trench was confined to the two remaining sides. The Muslims set to work cheerfully, and while digging recited verses from the Quran. 

Illustration of placement for defense with the location or stretch where 

the deep trench was built to fortify Madinah. 

Rasulullahis the only example in history of a person holding spiritual and temporal power working like an ordinary laborer with others. After some time the work of one of the groups come to a standstill because of an obstruction caused by a large block of stone. They were quite exhausted in attempting to break it and but the block would not break. Rasulullahthen gets into the ditch and with his pickaxe struck the stone, which moved a little and gave out a spark, cried together with one voice, "God is great " and to the Prophet, it was revealed in that spark that he would be given the keys of the palace of Syrian King. 

Another stroke at the stone and it was cracked, and at the same time another spark of fire appeared, and the Companions shouted," Allahu Akbar" and to Rasulullahﷺ was revealed that he would be given the keys of the Persian Kingdom. The third time he struck at the stone broke into little pieces, and  Rasulullahsaid to the Companions that he was made aware that even the key of Yemen would be his, and that his followers would have sovereignty over all nations.

It was an extremely anxious time for the Muslims when a huge force of nearly 24,000 strong was almost at the very gates ready to crush them. The whole city seemed shaken to its very foundations. The Holy Quran pictures this in the following ayat:

"when they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes turned dull and the hearts rose up to the throats, and you began to think diverse thoughts about Allah.."

(Al Quran 9: 10)

As to the advance of the enemy, it must be said it seemed like veritable cyclones, determined to sweep away every obstacle in the path; but in spite of this, the Muslims were of courage, feeling well assured that this was the last desperate attempt of a deadly foe. Having now fortified the town against attack from without, there still remained the danger of attack from within, as a precaution against which the women and children were removed to a place of safety.

The enemy approaching Madinians met their first setback when they discovered the deep trench which had been dug around the town. They decided to settle down to a siege that lasted a month and caused great suffering and starvation to the Muslims, including Rasulullahhimself. But hardship and privation failed to dampen the spirit of the Muslims. Knowing of the willing helpers amongst them, Rasulullahsuggested buying help from the tribe of Ghaftafan by offering them one-third of the produce of Madinah. This would also weaken, the strength of the enemy a great deal. But the Helpers, hearing of the plan, did not wish it to carry out. They and the others held it was beneath their dignity to do such a thing. "Come what may, we will fight to the last" was their slogan.

In spite of all precautions the Jews and the Hypocrites were on the lookout for an opportunity to rise from within Madinah. Mention of the word"Hypocrites" reminds us to deal with it more fully, for it bears a special significance to the history and phraseology of Islam. As long as Rasulullahand the Muslims were in Makkah opposition towards them was open and took the form of torments and cruelties. But in Madinah, it was of a special and unique form. In order to undermine Islam, and bring about its fall from within, the Jews, now afraid of losing their power because of the eminence of Islam and others, started becoming Muslims in name only, "Abdullah bin Ubay was at the head of these. 

Before the arrival of Rasulullahﷺ in Madinah, Abdullah wielded great power and authority and would have been made king, but the presence of Rasulullahﷺ eclipsed his personality. He found it too difficult to accept a second-place where he had once stood fast. At the outset, he had offered some opposition, but then the rapid growth of Islam led him to reconsider his position and adopt hypocrisy as the best policy. He, therefore, became Muslim but left no stone unturned in bringing trouble to Islam, and many others followed his example.

It was, therefore, natural for the Muslims to be most wary of these hypocrites; for the danger from within was becoming as dangerous as that from without. Finally, Rasulullahﷺ decided to give battle, and as usual, several duels were fought first in which the Muslims succeeded. 'Sayidina Ali ibn Abu Talib ra killed Amru bin Wadd. who was believed to be a match for thousand? 

In the end, the Quraish made a general attack but failed to cross the deep trench. Only their arrows and stones came down in terrible showers and had it not been for the firmness of the Muslims the enemy would have won the battle. It was, in short, their steadfastness that brought them success. The enemy became weary of the siege and exhausted in their fruitless attempts to cross the trench. Their provision had run short, yet they hesitated to retreat. One night a fierce storm broke loose over them. It blew all their tents away and caused terrible havoc amongst their stores and munitions. It seemed to the Quraysh that the very elements of nature were against them. They took it as an evil omen, and next night retreated. The Holy Quran alludes to this incident in the following ayat; 

O! ye who believe! Remember the favor of Allah which He hath bestowed upon you. When there came upon you an army (Al-Ahzaab), then We sent upon them a storm (strong) and hosts (of angels) which you could not see. And (remember) Allah is ever Seer of what ye do. "

(Al Quran 33:9)

This clearly shows that there was the divine hand at work, which frustrated all attempts of the enemy to crush the handful of Muslims.

Thus the most powerfully organized expedition against Islam failed utterly in accomplishing the task, in which at its outset it was doggedly determined to succeed.

The Battle of Trench or Ghazwah Ahzab

The Third Battle in History of Islam - Battle of Trench / Ghazwah Khandaq / Ghazwah Ahzab, learnings and the exemplary leadership of Prophet Muhammad PBUH ( Rasulullahﷺ)


The fifth year of Hijrah (Muslims emigration from Makkah to Madinah) was a foundation in the life of Muslims. Quraish and the Jews realized that getting rid of Rasulullah, and his companions (R.A.) was impossible unless they all collaborate together in Ahzab (parties) in order to fulfill their aim. This was their only solution.

That was the idea of Hoyai Ibn Al-Akhatb the head of Bani An-Nadir, the Jewish tribe that broke its oath with Rasulullah and was consequently driven out of Madinah. 

Call to Other Tribes against Muslims:

When Bani An-Nadir left Madinah they went to Khaibar and from there, Hoyai went to Quraish to meet Abu-Sufyan to collaborate with him in fighting  Rasulullah. He was most welcomed by Abu Sufyan. Quraish leaders and Hoyai pledged collaboration and alliance in the Kaaba until they would kill  Rasulullah.

Hoyai then left for the Ghatfan tribe which was the second power in the peninsula after Quraysh. He held the same deal with them before moving to Ashja tribe and other Arab tribes.  Can you how this man exerted all his efforts to support the case that he knew to be false?  Look into our state and see how much effort we exert to support truth and righteousness!

 Strength of Enemy's Army:

Their leader was Abu-Sufyan and the army consisted of 10,000 soldiers from different Arab tribes such as Quraish, Ghatfan, Ashja, Bani Sulaim, and other Arab tribes. They decided to head to Madinah to abolish Muslims and Islam. Remember that the biggest army faced by Muslims before was just 3,000 soldiers.


 Rasulullah is Informed about Enemy’s Intentions:

Thanks to the intelligence service powered by Talha Ibn Obaid (R.A.) and Said Ibn Zaid (R.A.), the news reached  Rasulullah that the army would arrive to Madinah within 15 days.

 A suggestion of digging Trench by Salman Al-Farsi (R.A.):

 Rasulullah summoned Muslims to discuss the matter with them and consult them.  Rasulullah explained the whole situation in detail. Companions (R.A.) knew that they had to plan, work, and exert effort within this doctrine. Salman Al-Farsi (R.A.), a man from Persia, suggested digging a trench, a plan that was applied in his country. Salman's (R.A.) idea was a good one because it conformed to the nature of Madinah.  As the east, west, and south sides of Madinah were naturally surrounded by pointed, rocky land, which no one can even walk on. Hence, they had to close the north part by the trench.

 At the same time, the hypocrites started shaking the confidence of Muslims, "You are digging a trench because you are afraid of them". But Muslims focused on their plan. The trench was dug at the narrowest part between the two pointed rocky areas of the east and west.   Rasulullah plan was to include the following:

- Staying inside Madinah.

- Digging the trench and staying behind it to protect the city, lest any of the enemies could cross the trench.

- Providing a safe place for women and children.


Digging of Trench:

The total number of Muslim warriors was 1500.  Rasulullah divided them into groups, each including 25 persons. Each group, led by a team leader, was responsible for a digging specific area, which they would protect afterward. Hence, they would exert all their efforts in digging their area with quality. AbuBakr Siddiq (R.A.) and Umar ibn Khattab (R.A.) played the quality assurance role by ensuring that the required standards in the digging process were fulfilled. Rasulullah moved from one group to another, working with them to raise their spirits and encourage them all.  He worked more than any one of them and held the hardest task of all: removing the dust and stones from the trench.


Rasulullah companions (R.A.) were afraid and worried for many reasons.  They still had Uhud before their eyes; where 70 of their fellow Muslims were martyred. They were also worried that they would not be able to finish digging the trench before Quraish would arrive. Furthermore, Madinah was suffering from starvation at that time. Muslims used to tie a stone on their stomach to control the feeling of hunger, while Rasulullah tied two stones out of severe hunger. Despite all these hard conditions, Muslims' morale was high; Hassan Ibn Thabit (R.A.) wrote poetry to raise their spirits even more. In ten days the trench was ready.


The arrival of Enemy’s Army and they were surprised:

The army of Ahzab (Quraish and the other tribes) came with ten-thousand soldiers and besieged Madinah. The Ahzab was greatly surprised to see the trench as it was not an Arab technique and they were not prepared for this. Rasulullah divided the companions (R.A.) into groups to defend the trench. The siege continued for twenty-four days and Quraish was waiting for just a moment of carelessness or sleep from the Muslims. However, the fifteen-hundred companions (R.A.) proved to be very careful and watchful during the twenty-four days of the siege.  


Violation of Treaty by Banu Qurayza:

Quraish could not pass through and found no solution. They considered communicating with Banu Qurayza (a Jew tribe in Madinah) to have them attack Muslim women and children from the south of Madinah. However, Banu Qurayza signed a constitution with the Rasulullah and according to the treaty, they were considered as citizens, had their rights and duties, and were not to attack Muslims or help anyone to attack them. Quraish thought that as the Jews would start killing children and women of Muslims, Rasulullah and the companions (R.A.) would immediately leave the trench and they would attack the Muslims from north and south.


Hoyai went to Kaab (leader of Banu Qurayza) to persuade him. However, Kaab, said he saw nothing but loyalty and justice from Rasulullah. This shows clearly how Rasulullah respected the concept of citizenship in the society.


Hoyai did not give up and kept persisting until Kaab agreed to betray tRasulullah and Muslims. 


Prophet (S.A.W.) sends a Delegation to Banu Qurayza:

The news about Banu Qurayza’s intentions reached Rasulullah who got so worried and sent Saad bin Maaz (R.A.) and Saad Ibn Ubadah (R.A.) to make sure of the news.

They asked Kaab, “O Kaab! Haven't you signed an agreement with the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)?”

But Kaab replied, “Who is Rasulullah? Who is Mohammad? There is no agreement between us. We have torn it.”

 Allah’s Revelation against saying of Hypocrites:

When the news spread in Madinah about the treaty, the hypocrites (munafiqeen) said "how could Mohammad tell us we will conquer Persia and Rome while we are not even able to go to the bathroom out of fear?". Allah revealed Ayas that can be translated as:

“And [remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said, "Allah and His Messenger did not promise us except delusion, And when a faction of them said, "O people of Yathrib (Madinah), there is no stability for you [here], so return [home]." And a party of them asked permission of the Prophet, saying, "Indeed, our houses are unprotected," while they were not exposed. They did not intend except to flee. " 

(Surah Al-Ahzab: 33: 12-13)

The situation was extremely difficult and Muslims were getting frustrated because of the hypocrites' talk. Allah says in Quran:

“[Remember] when they came at you from above you and from below you, and when eyes shifted [in fear], and hearts reached the throats and you assumed about Allah [various] assumptions. There the believers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking.” 

(Surah Al-Ahzab: 33: 10)

“[Remember] when they came at you from above you and from below you, and when eyes shifted [in fear], and hearts reached the throats and you assumed about Allah [various] assumptions. There the believers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking.” 

(Surah Al-Ahzab: 33: 11)


Safiyah (R.A.) Kills a Jew:

There have to be moments where the believers are tested and this was one of them. One of the Jews was sent to examine the fort where the women and children stayed.  Hassan Ibn Thabit (R.A.) was watching the fort.  Hassan (R.A.) was not a fighter, but there was no other fighter available to guard the fort. Safiyah (R.A.), the aunt of Rasulullah, told Hassan (R.A.) to kill the man to prevent him from getting back to the Jews with information. Hassan (R.A.) told her he could not kill a man, so this brave woman hit the man and killed him. She then cut his head and threw it near the forts of the Jews to let them know that Muslims were guarding the women and children's fort. 


Rasulullah talks with Ghaftan Tribe:

Rasulullah then had to find an alternative plan. Rasulullah went to the Ghatfan tribe (one of the enemy’s tribe) asked them if they would return to their home, they will get one-third of the crops of Madinah. They finally agreed, but Rasulullah informed them that Rasulullah must consult his companions (R.A.).  The leader of Ghatfan’s tribe said, “Aren’t you their leader?” Rasulullah said, “Yes, but Madinah belongs to them, and I have to ask them.”

 After consulting with his companions (R.A.), Rasulullah told Ghatfan that the people of Madinah refused the compromise.

 Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) kills Amr Ibn Wadd:

After twenty-three days since the siege, the situation was getting worse. The trench started to be exposed and Quraish began to approach.

 Amr Ibn Wadd, who was a skillful fighter from Quraish, was the first one to get to the trench. He jumped with his horse in the trench and said, “Who will fight me?” Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) stepped forward. Rasulullah did not want Ali (R.A.) to fight Amr but as Ali (R.A.) insisted, Rasulullah offered him his sword “Dhulfiqar” and asked Allah to help him. Ali (R.A.) and Amr got into an intense fight while Rasulullahﷺ kept praying for Ali (R.A.) who was very dear to him. Eventually, Ali (R.A.) killed Amr and beheaded him, so Rasulullah said, “Throw it at them so they would be scared.”


Severe Attacks of the Enemy:

After one on one fight between Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) and Amr ibn Wadd, enemies threw a lot of arrows at the tent of Rasulullah during the besiege. Rasulullah was standing in front of the tent with his armor on his body and his helmet on his head.


Hazrat Jabir (R.A.) narrates:

“That day, the polytheists fought us all day. They divided their soldiers into teams.  They sent a big group of soldiers under the command of Khalid bin Waleed where Rasulullah was. They fought until late at night. Neither Rasulullah nor the Muslims could have the opportunity to leave their places.” 

(Kitab Al-Maghazi by Imam Al-Waqidi: V:2, P:473)

 The clash continued so intensely that Rasulullah could not perform the noon, afternoon and evening prayers of that day on time. Rasulullah, who did not damn even those who tortured and insulted him, damned them because they caused him to delay his prayers as follows: 

 As Narrated by Ali (R.A.) Rasulullah said:

‘On the day (of the Battle) of Ahzab we were diverted from the middle prayer, till the sun set. May Allah fill their graves or their houses, or their stomachs with fire.’
(The narrator is in doubt about" houses" and" stomachs".) 

[Sahih Muslim: 627 (c)]


Role of Nuaym Ibn Masud (R.A.):

A man named Nuaym ibn Masud (R.A.) from the Ashja tribe went to Rasulullah, declared his identity, and became Muslim. Rasulullah was very happy with him and advised him to go back and bring them the news. Nuaym (R.A.), disguised himself as one of the non-believers, went to Banu Qurayza and told them that Quraish was not from this land, and so if they got bored and exhausted from the siege, they would leave Banu Qurayza alone in front of Rasulullah who would take revenge for their betrayal. He told the solution was to encourage Quraish to fight but take fifty of Quraish's leaders to guarantee that Quraish would not leave.


Nuaym (R.A.) then went to Abu Sufyan and told him that Banu Qurayza made an agreement with Rasulullahﷺ to bring him fifty of Quraish’s leaders to make peace with him. On the next day, Abu Sufyan contacted Kaab, the leader of Banu Quraiza, and asked him, “When do we attack?”. Kaab said, “Give us fifty men first to ensure your seriousness in the fight.”  Abu Sufyan thought that Nuaym (R.A.) was right, so he replied saying that he would not give them even one man. Thus, Kaab also thought that Nuaym was right. This was the first step toward victory as Nuyam (R.A.) fooled them both to keep them from working together and this supported the nation and protected it.


Rasulullahﷺ  Prayer:

On the 24th day, Rasulullah was on the mountain, where he had been praying faithfully for four days. His prayers were fruitful. An extremely cold night followed and strong cold winds blew, uprooting the tents of Quraish, throwing their belongings, and hitting their faces with small stones. Victory began to come with the wind.  Allah says in Quran: 

“O you who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you when armies came to [attack] you and We sent upon them a wind and armies [of angels] you did not see. And ever is Allah, of what you do, Seeing.”

(Surah Al-Ahzab: 33: 9)

Dear brothers, victory is not offered as a piece of cake for anybody. Victory is bestowed on those courageous faithful believers who exert all their effort to vindicate Allah. Allah (SWT) says in Quran:

 "O you who have believed, in case you vindicate Allah (SWT), He will give you victory and confirm your feet (i.e., give you victory)." (Surah Muhammad: 47:7)


Muslim Victory:

Rasulullah selected Huzaifa Ibn Al-Yaman (R.A.) to get the news of the enemies without getting into any trouble with them. Huzaifa (R.A.) left and felt very cold until he reached the trench: it was so warm. On the other side, Huzaifa (R.A.) found Quraish and its allies really scared, tired and cold.  Abu Syfyan called the people to gather. The leaders gathered and because it was dark, Huzaifa (R.A.) was able to get among them.  Huzaifa (R.A.) thought of killing Abu Sufyan but he remembered the words of Rasulullah not to do anything against them. Abu Sufyan told the men that he decided to leave because they could not face the betrayal of the Jews (as they thought the Jews betrayed them). Also they were not prepared for these cold winds and hunger. 

 Huzaifa (R.A.) went back to Rasulullah told him the good news. Rasulullah told the news to his companions (R.A.) and thanked Allah for this victory.

 Fate of Banu Qurayza:

Rasulullah then told the companions to go back to their homes after 24 days of the siege and 10 days of digging. 

Jibril (A.S.) (Gabriel) descended and said, “O Muhammad! Have you put down your weapons and the angels haven't put theirs yet?” 

Jibril (A.W.) meant Banu Qurayza and their betrayal for the Muslims.


Rasulullah called back the companions and told them the fight was not over and told them:

“Whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger will pray the Asr prayer only in Banu Qurayza.”

(Sahih Bukhari: 4119)


The companions (R.A.) reached Banu Qurayza and besieged them for 15 days.  Banu Qurayza offered to leave their weapons and get out of Madinah, but Rasulullah totally refused as Islam is great mercy but betrayal and corruption are not acceptable. 

 Death of Saad bin Maaz (R.A.):

The wound of Saad bin Maaz (R.A.) (the wound he sustained earlier when he was hit by a dart from Quraish) started to bleed again and Rasulullah embraced him. Saad (R.A.) died. His funeral was attended by 70,000 angels. 

 Martyrs and Deaths during the Battle:

During this battle, seven Muslims were martyred and four unbelievers were killed. All of the Companions (R.A.) that were martyred were from Ansaar (Muslim Residents of Madinah).

 The outcome of the Battle:

The failure of the siege marked the beginning of Rasulullah undoubted political ascendancy in the city of Madinah. Quraish had exerted their utmost strength to dislodge Rasulullah from Medinah and this defeat caused them to lose their trade with Syria and much of their prestige with it. At this point, Quraish and other non-believers residents of Makkah began to consider that conversion to Islam would be the most prudent option for them.


Signboard erected by the current government indicating the location of the Battle of The Trench or Ahzab (Confederation Army of the unbelievers of Makkah). The 7 mosques built within this warzone are to indicate the post or camps led by several companions during The Battle of The Trench. 

Chapter 22 -The Fall of Khaybar - Bani Nadir

 Chapter 21

The Fall of Khaybar.

(628-629 A.C)

“Surely deep hatred has already appeared from out of their mouth
 and what their breasts conceal is greater still.”

(Quran 3:17)

 The previous chapters signify problems and tribulations from the Jews communities residing in Madinah. The continuous provocative nature, uncalled behaviors, and deep hatred towards Muslims go on without halting. Despite all the efforts to ensure harmony amongst the inhabitants of Madinah, the Jews from various tribes continue to disrupt and care-less towards “the charter of Madinah.” On numerous occasions, being repulsed and checked in their efforts to harm Islam.

Banu Qurayza went into exile for choice and settled in at Khaybar. The words Khaybar are also known as “Fort,” and the town was so-called because it was studded with fortresses. The most important of which, Al Qamus, was supposed to be both inaccessible and impregnable. Although, the Banu Qurayza had settled down in this remote place the Jews did not desist from their machinations to bring harm and atrocities to Islam.  The two clans, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza on their arrival at Khaybar found strong allies in the Jews of Khaybar, and altogether set to work to devise means for the destruction of Islam. 

The Jews in Khaybar had relations with the neighboring Bedouins and other tribes, and they succeeded in forming a coalition for the purpose of expunging Islam and the Muslims. Their hatred incited them, after the “Truce of Hudaybiyah,” to accelerate their efforts against Islam. ‘Abdullah bin Ubay, the chief of Hypocrites, was in secret league with them, keeping them informed of the movement of the Muslims. Now the “Treaty of Hudaybiyah” led them to think that the Muslims were weak. They imagined that their acceptance of such humiliating terms could be due to nothing but weakness, which led them to imagine that they could at last gain their long-desired victory. They, therefore, got in touch with all tribes who had agreed to help them in their fight against the Muslims, asking them to prepare to march on Madinah.

In the meantime, Rasulullah came to know of their schemes, and after having had the intelligence confirmed at once sent an army of sixteen hundred people to advance on Khaybar. This was all he could raise in the short time at their disposal. Besides, he had to move swiftly lest the Jews should seize the chance of advancing on Madinah itself. At Raji’ between Khaybar and Madinah, Rasulullah halted, leaving a guard to watch the route with orders not to let the neighboring tribes go to help the Jews. The Ghatafan, whose help was checked, thanked their stars and kept quiet; for they had no desire to fight the Muslims and court defeat. Rasulullah then continued his march towards Khaybar, thinking that the news of the blockade might dissuade the Jews from offering resistance. But on reaching Khaybar he found them prepared and ready for battle. 

They had strengthened all the fortresses, including the impregnable Al- Qamus. The Muslims had no difficulty in capturing the smaller fortresses, each, in turn, falling easily. But when they reached Al- Qamus, they found themselves faced with much harder to deal with. For twenty days they tried to carry it by assault, and each day they had returned unsuccessful. The Muslims had, because of the loss of many men, become dispirited. Only Rasulullah was hopeful; for he knew that the Muslims would be in the end succeed. When they all went to complain to him about their successive failure, he consoled them and told them that next day he would give the standard and the command to the person who was dear to Allah Rabbul Jalalluh, and to whom Allah was dearer, and that person would succeed in taking Al-Qamus. 

That night was a night of eager expectation and prayers for the Muslims; for each one of them prayed hard that the honor should be his. The next morning they hurried to Rasulullah, each hoping that he would be the chosen one. After all, were assembled Rasulullah beckoned Sayidina Ali RA and with his own hands put the armor on him, handed him the sword and staff, and sent him forth as the Commander of the Muslims troops for the day. The Muslims had suspected that this honor would go to Sayidina Ali RA because of his abilities, yet each had hoped secretly that he would be chosen. They all went forth cheerfully to fight and win that day under the command of Sayidina Ali ra; for if they had been jealous of the honor bestowed on him they would easily have hindered his success that day, or for the matter of that for many days to come.

The fact that Sayidina Ali ra succeeded that day in winning the fortress shows that nobody bore him ill-will, rather than all accepted him cheerfully as their commander. They had indeed, no time for such trivialities. If they accepted the leadership of the liberated slave Sayidina Zayd ra, there was certainly no reason for them to object to the leadership of Sayidina Ali ra, who besides being a valiant soldier, was of the same noble family of Rasulullah.

The Jews had hoped to hold their own and win the battle, and when they surrendered they came to Rasulullah begging forgiveness. Not only was this readily granted but he also returned their possessions and returned to them their lands on condition that one-half of the product should go to the Muslims. He knew that the Jews would not keep their word. Nevertheless, he willingly agreed to their requests and did not use his prerogative of demanding from them all their possessions, which would have rendered them destitute. 

Let those whoever that the spread of Islam was at the point of the sword ponder in this incident. As a victor he could have commanded the Jews to change their religion or die; but what do we see instead? Wholeheartedly and wholesome forgiveness. Rasulullah left to them their right to continue in their religion, promising that the Muslims should not interfere with their beliefs. Rasulullah only demanded from them half of the products of their lands as a tax for their protection and by way of reparation, which was neither they nor even now against any international law.

Compare this mercy and kindness of Rasulullah with the behavior of the Jews who, instead of being grateful to Rasulullah, immediately after the settlement they set about conspiring to take the life of Rasulullah.  They instigated one, Zaynab, to invite Rasulullah to dinner and give him poison, But, the Divine Providence, hardly had he lifted his hand to taste the food which was poisoned when he desisted. But a companion who had taken it died of its effect. Not content with this they continued to prove a source of perpetual trouble. 

Rasulullah was most merciful to them. He would have been justified in putting them all to death for this treachery alone, but he forgave them, Only Zaynab (Jews lady) was executed, and that was because of the death of a companion. Further, he sought to be friends with them by liberating one Saffiya, who came as a prisoner of war, and marrying her. But, all to no purpose. No conciliating act of Rasulullah, no kindness on his part could keep them from mischief.

Chapter 21- Madinah before the Battle of Khaybar.

Chapter 20

Madinah before the Battle of Khaybar. (626 AC)

Surely He has given thee a clear victory.”

(Quran 48:1)         

The Quraysh had tried with an utmost hatred to bring about the downfall of Islam. They also had tried their best to destroy Islam in the two battles of Badr and Uhud. However, on this two epics war where in each battle a Divine assistance that led to the rout of Quraysh.

The neighboring Jewish tribes, as well as the Bedouins, also failed in their attempts and so did the Hypocrites in their efforts to harm Islam from within. Each thus frustrated separately they all made common cause to achieve jointly that which they separately had proved themselves unable to accomplish. But here, too, the hand of Allah was with the Muslims and gave them a glorious victory; a victory so great that never again had the enemy the courage to march on Madinah. 

Let those who think Islam prevailed because of the sword pause and study these battles of history, and we are convinced that they will come to the conclusion; that “Islam spread, not by the sword.” The separate and joint attacks of the enemy conclusively prove that these storms did not even blight the religion which Rasulullah ﷺ, had come to teach – sure proof that Divine help was with them.

A year after the battle of Khandaq Rasulullah ﷺ saw in a vision that he, with his companions, was performing pilgrimage. This led him to think of that at last the enemy had come to know the Muslim strength, and realize that there was some inherent power in Islam which successfully withstood the onslaughts. Therefore, Rasulullah ﷺ took the vision concerning the pilgrimage to be a sign for him to go on pilgrimage and thus impress upon them the spiritual greatness of Islam as well; Rasulullah ﷺ also thought that as a pilgrimage was a privilege denied to none, it would not be denied to the Muslims. 

With this end in view, in the 6th A.H. (626 A.C.), with fourteen hundred Companions, he set out for Makkah to perform the pilgrimage: or Haj but to avoid misunderstanding, as well as to impress upon the Quraysh, the peacefulness of the Muslims intentions, Rasulullah ﷺ ordered that none should carry arms, though it was then the usual thing to wear a sword, however peaceful the conditions. So with their sacrificial animals they started for Makkah.  But the Quraysh, whose animosity was by no means dead, made ready to offer resistance to the Muslims. 

Budayl, the chief of the tribe Khuza’a, though not himself a Muslim, nevertheless, out of his regards to Islam, informed Rasulullah ﷺ of the intentions of the Quraysh, who had posted themselves outside Makkah so as to close all the approaches and bar the entry of the Muslims. Rasulullah ﷺ sent back Budayl to inform the Quraysh that the Muslims come to perform pilgrimage (Haj) and not to fight, and to suggest the Quraysh to enter into a truce with the Muslims for a certain period. 

Rasulullah ﷺ at that time was halting at a place called Hudaybiyah, till the conclusion of the terms with the Quraysh, but as the Quraysh were anxious not to let go a chance of killing a Muslim, they advanced slowly towards the Muslim camp with intent to slay any unwary Muslim who might cross their path. The wiser of the Quraysh were in favor of accepting the peace, because they knew that they could not hope to do any harm to the Muslims, especially when on every occasion of war they had failed to do so. They therefore, agreed to depute ‘Urwa as their spokesman to conclude terms of truce with the Muslims. ‘Urwa came to Rasulullah ﷺ, but the negotiations were a fiasco, and ended in an instructive incident.

 ‘Urwa, in the course of discussion, advised Rasulullah ﷺ not too much reliance in his followers, imputing that they were as likely as not to desert him in hour of need.  Nevertheless, he went back highly impressed with the faithfulness of the Muslims, because while he was there, the time for prayer came, and when Rasulullah ﷺ performed the ablutions, so intense was the love of his followers towards him that they did not let even a drop of the waste water fall on the ground.

“By God” said Urwa on his return to the Quraysh, “Muhammad cannot even spit but that one of his followers gathers it up to smear his face with it, and after he has washed they fight for his bath-water!  I have been on embassies to princess; of the Caesar, to the Chores, and the Negus; but I have never seen a sovereign so well obeyed as Muhammad.” Two other emissaries received the same impression.

Not disheartened by the first failures of the peace talk Rasulullah ﷺ sent another messenger; but he was ill-treated, the camel on which he rode being killed.  As a further sign of hostility a detachment of the Quraysh set out to kill as many Muslims as possible, but was itself taken prisoner.  As the Muslims was not intent upon fighting they let them go, and this time sent Sayidina Uthman Ibn Affan ra to negotiate. As soon as Sayidina Uthman ra arrived he was captured, and the rumors spread in the Muslim camp that he had been murdered, which led them to fear that the Quraysh were bent upon war. 

The Muslims were unarmed and numerically inferior. To all appearance, it was a most critical period for them, and it was only their firm faith in the Divine protection that kept their head cool. They were unarmed and the enemy is bent on bloodshed; in these circumstances Rasulullah ﷺ called on them to take a fresh oath that they would fight to the very last man, and they cheerfully took it. These are famously known in Islamic history as “The Bay’atu r Ridhwan.” Or “The Pledge of Rizwan.” This resolve of the Muslims to shed the last drop of blood in the cause of Allah reached the Quraysh and brought them to their senses. 

They realized then that whatever their number or strength might be, they would never succeed in overthrowing this band of devout believer of Islam. Where they fought like men endowed with supernatural strength. Their past experience told them that they had no choice against the Muslims. Realizing all their disadvantages they sent one, Suhail bin Amru to come to terms with the Muslims. Thus an agreement known as “The Truce of Hudaybiyah” was drawn up. The parties agreed to maintain peace for ten years on the following conditions.-


     Further on ‘Ali came to the words, “This is an agreement between Muhammad, The Apostle of God, and the Quraysh” The Makkan again objected, saying, “If we were to admit that you are the Apostle of God, why all this bloodshed.” But Sayidina Ali ra refuse to erase the word “Apostle of God” and Rasulullah ﷺ had to do this by himself, bidding him “Muhammad, son of Abdullah.”  Instead.

Soon after these terms were concluded, One Abu Jandal, a Muslim, who was in Makkah and being tortured, came over to the Muslims, thinking that by so doing he would be safe. He showed the scars on his body, which moved Rasulullah ﷺ to try to get exception in his case, but Suhayl would have none of it, and demanded that the man be returned. Rasulullah ﷺ  had to yield and hand him over to the Quraysh. “Sayidina Umar Ibn Khattab ra was indignant at this apparent weakness of Rasulullah ﷺ, and the Muslims also remonstrated, but to no purpose. 


Rasulullah ﷺ
   saying that it was a great hour of trial, exhorted them to remain true to their vows, and also consoled Abu Jandal RA , telling that he should fear nothing in the cause of Allah. The torment of Kafir Quraysh that the Muslims felt this truce to be most humiliating to them, yet Rasulullah ﷺ on his return to Madinah received the revelation:

On the receipt of which Rasulullah ﷺ sent for Sayidina Umar ra, the most indignant of all, and told him that what be considered a defeat was really a great victory in the eyes of Allah.”

Events that followed amply show that this truce was, indeed, a victory for the Muslims; for, in the following year, on the occasion of pilgrimage there were ten thousand men with Rasulullah ﷺ instead of the fourteen hundred he had had on the occasion of the truce. This increase in number of Muslims was due to no other cause than the “Treaty of Hudaybiyah,” which the Muslims had thought humiliating. The truce of Hudaybiyah, in fact, bridged the gulf that had yawned between Muslims and Kafir, because of the existence of the state of warfare. 

The truce went a long way to bring them together because the Muslims could mxi freely with the Quraysh and imbue them with their ideas and morals. During the truce the Quraysh also could come in contact with the Muslims and discover that those under the influence of Rasulullah ﷺ were superior in morality and unity. So long as the barrier of warfare existed the Arabs had no time to appreciate the moral edification brought about by Islam. Until then, their sole aim in life had been to devise plans for the annihilation of the Muslims. 

Now they came to know that Rasulullah was quite other than the person they imagined, and soon found out that his teachings were for the well being and good of mankind. They realized that they had been led astray in their estimate of his character; for now they saw that it was above approach, kind and invigorating. It was this impression, wrought on them by the peaceful conditions brought about the truce, which effected their conversion to the faith.

Following the revelation referred to above comes this:

“That Allah may rectify for you that which has gone before of the faults attributed to you and that which remains behind, and complete His favor for you on a right way. And that Allah might help you with His mighty help.”

(Quran: 48. 2-3)

These words were amply fulfilled by the conversion of a large number to the new faith. All the amputations that had been heaped upon him were removed by close contact, and his sterling qualities were made manifest to the Arabs. As to the words “That which remains behind,” the happenings of to-day are a proof, Europe is gradually discovering, now that it is in closer contact with Muslims, that what  its historians wrote of Rasulullah ﷺ is far from being true.

It is thus clear that the harsh terms of Hudaybiyah accepted by Rasulullah ﷺ were because of a Divine purpose, and also by reason of the peace-loving nature of Rasulullah ﷺ.  The Muslims had defeated the Quraysh almost on all occasions, and in spite of being unarmed they could not neglect the chance for peace, how-ever slight it might be. The Quran, too, confirms this in its words;

But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah. for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).

 “And if the Quraysh online towards peace, thou shalt also incline towards it”

(Quran 8:61)


On his return Rasulullah ﷺ found that with his mind at rest about war he could do much to bring about some realization of his mission. So far his effort confined to the Arabs only, and of them only such as belonged to the Hedjaz. Now, after this truce, he sent envoys to neighboring sovereigns inviting them to embrace Islam. Two of the embassies were especially dispatched to the Emperor of the Greeks, and the Chosroes of Persia. The latter was amazed at the audacity of the fugitive of Makkah in addressing him on equal terms, and indignantly tore up the letter. When this news was brought to Rasulullah ﷺ, he said: 

“Thus shall the Kingdom of the Chosroes of Persia. Thus shall the Kingdom of the Chosroes be torn to pieces.”; and this prophecy was duly fulfilled, as history tells us.

The emissary of Rasulullah ﷺ reached the court of the Roman Emperor, Abu Sufyan, the arch-enemy of Rasulullah ﷺ and Islam, was also there, and the Emperor summoned him to his presence to enquire about Rasulullah ﷺ. When questioned about Muhammad, Abu Sufyan bore witness to the character of Rasulullah ﷺ.

“Did you make war against him?” asked the Emperor Heraclius.

“Yes,” replied Abu Sufyan.

“Who was the victor?” inquired Heraclius.

“Once he was – once we were” said Abu Sufyan.

“Does he keep his word?” asked the Emperor.

“We are.” Said Abu Sufyan,” at the present time actually at peace with him, but we do not know how he will observe it.”

“What does he believe?” asked the Emperor.

“He asks us,” said Abu Sufyan, “to give up the faith of our fathers, to worship one God, to pay the poor-rate, to keep our word, and to abstain from fornication.”

This account of Islam, and by an avowed enemy at that, impressed the Emperor highly. He called a meeting of prominent personages, and tried to win them over his views of Islam. He told them that the adoption of Islam would increase their well-being. But, they all resented this suggestion of his. To save appearances he had to say that he was only testing their integrity. He died, it is said, without making public confession of is faith.

The dispatch to Persia that was torn up by the Chores was couched in the following terms: “In the name of God, the beneficent and Merciful, Muhammad the Apostle of God invites you..” Another epistle was sent to the Negus of Abyssinia. He honored the emissary and embraced Islam.

The emissary sent to the governor of Basra in the confines of Syria was killed at Mu’tah by an Arab of the tribe of the Ghassan, Christian vassals of the Emperor Heraclius. To avenge his death  Rasulullah ﷺ sent  Sayidina Zayd bin Harithah ra with three thousand men under orders to sweep Mut'ah with an invasion, but to spare women, children, the blind, and the monks and avoid the destruction of house and trees.

 But the Muslims ran up against a strong army of the Ghassan and some Greeks. As they did not know how to form squares they were routed by the enemy’s cavalry. Sayidina Zayd bin Harithah ra was mortally wounded and gave the standard over to Sayidina Jaafar bin Abu Talib ra, the brother of Sayidina Ali ra, as it fell from his hand. He heroically defended the emblem, having his two hands cut off before falling, with his head split open and body pierced with more than ninety wounds from lances or arrows. The poet, Sayidina Abdullah bin Rawahah ra, was also martyred. 

And in the end, Sayidina Khalid bin al Walid ra, the new convert, took over the banner, rallied his troops, and had nine sabres (sword) snapped off in his hand.

Night separated the combatants. The following day Sayidina Khalid Al Walid ra, well versed in war tactics, pushed forward his troops at a number of points so the enemy believed he had received re-enforcements, and retreated.

The army returned to Madinah, piously carrying the body of Sayidina Jaafar ra.   Rasulullah ﷺ wept for death of his three generals. He went to call upon Jaafar’s widow, and taking the martyr’s little son upon his knee he caressed the child’s head in such fashion that the mother at once understood what had occurred.

“His two hands were cut off,” he said, “but Allah has given him two wings of emeralds and with them he flies amongst the angels of Paradise.”

And seeing the daughter of his faithful Sayidina Zayd ra approach, he leaned his head upon her shoulder and wept. They were astonished, and he explained: “I shed the tears of friendship for the loss of a friend.”

Rasulullah ﷺ: The commander to lead the army to the battlefield.

Sayidina Zayd bin Harithah ra – A liberated slave, and the fact that the army, though comprised of noble and proud elements, accepted his command, was an example of the holy Rasulullah ﷺ teachings of equality, fairness, and of course capability, and their hold on his followers.

Those who charge Rasulullah ﷺ with personal aggrandizement and worldly ambition should pause and reflect, for here is something to convince them of their error in estimating this unique personality. Their charge might have had some weight if Rasulullah ﷺ had sent these envoys to other places after his subjugation of the whole of Arabia, but the fact that he sent them long before that proves that his purpose was neither self-aggrandizement nor worldly ambition. 

They should remember that only twelve months before Madinah had been besieged, and that but a few weeks previously they had been refused permission to perform the pilgrimage. In face of these circumstances Rasulullah ﷺ invitation to various powerful monarchs to embrace Islam could not well be on account of self-aggrandizement. It was, in fact, on account of his absolute faith in Allah and supreme conviction as to the ultimate success of his mission. It was a struggle between Truth and Falsehood, and as Truth does not depend on force and is potent enough to hold its own, it succeeded. 

Two things are borne out by this event; one that Rasulullah was neither an impostor nor an imbecile, and the other that from the very beginning he had looked upon Islam as the religion of the whole world. Therefore, if he was not an impostor then he was certainly the Rasul of Allah. As to the universality of religion, no religion except Islam has claimed for itself that it is a universal religion. Jesus himself put forward no such claim. Instead, he always said that he came to reclaim the lost sheep of the House of Israel; and this is amply proved by the fact that he refused to pray when once a non-Israelite came to him begging for prayers. 

On the other hand Rasulullah ﷺ form the moment of his call, claimed to have come as the Rasul (Prophet) for the world, to teach to all the religion of oneness of God. The Quran itself says as much, and Rasulullah spared no pain to accomplish it. His sending of envoys to the courts of different kings was for furtherance of the object that was his, and which Allah meant to be his. It was in no way like the claim of St.Paul to the Catholic of the religion of Jesus. But that the religion of the West happens to be Christianity  neither proves that Islam was not a universal religion nor affirms that it is suited only to the requirements of the East, as Christianity was born and bred in the East, and the Israelites, for the reformation of which tribe it came, were the inhabitants of the East.

Chapter 61: The Light They Followed

The Messenger is called a Light because  the first thing which Allah brought forth from the darkness of oblivion with the light of His power...

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