Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts

Chapter 35 -Rasulullahﷺ - The World's Greatest Benefactors - The Spirit of Change and Revolution.

The Spirit of Change the Revolution

It has probably been the greatest misfortune of humanity that whosoever found an opportunity to come to power, by force of arms or by intrigue, by democratic means or by accident, presumed that he was also a teacher a reformer. When such teachers and reformers gain power, they appropriate all wisdom to themselves. They regard themselves as the greatest thinkers. Discarding all sources of knowledge and dismissing the wisest and most sensible elements of society wantonly, they embark on things that prove disastrous at every turn. 

They want to mold humanity through violence and reform life by using the rod. Often these sponsors of reform and revolution are quite ignorant of human nature and do not possess even elementary knowledge about it. They have never given thought to the subject of the correct methods of reforming life or to the causes of degeneration and how best to remove them. Without learning from the experience of the past, they start experiments of their own. In order to remove all obstacles in their ventures, they reject all advice or criticism. They have only one remedy for every evil, and that is wholesale violence. They enact oppressive laws, subjecting people to unmitigated tyranny.

The revolution brought about by Rasulullah, on the other hand, had no element of violence in it, but a spirit of affection and concern for human welfare marked every step. Rasulullaht was most merciful to humanity and had a real love for all mankind. Rasulullah explained the nature of his mission by the example that he was saving them from falling into the abyss towards which they were madly rushing. 

Hence, the Qur'an described him as the Apostle of Mercy. Just imagine how he accomplished such a great revolution without a single instance of his having resorted to undue force. The decade of Rasulullah's life at Madinah was a period of continuous emergency. Three large-scale attacks were made by the Quraish while Rasulullah had full trust in the righteousness of his mission and the excellence of his character. Rasulullah never imposed his superiority over others. 

Rasulullah never indulged in extravagant talk nor insulted anyone but patiently bore the affront of enemies, who, in fact, were weaker. It was this attitude that won the hearts of his enemies, while his followers were loyal to him with all their souls. His opponents appeared meek and inferior before him and when they bow end their heads before truth and nobility, they were completely transformed.

The love of  Allah that Rasulullah bore in his heart manifested itself in another form: he loved  Allah's creation with the same intensity. Illustration of his love for humanity can be had from the fact that for the very people of Makkah who opposed him with all their might, Rasulullah sent a supply of food when they were afflicted with famine and also five hundred gold coins for the relief of the poor. One night when the wailings of the prisoners of Badr reached his ears, he was so upset that he could not sleep till the ropes which bound them were loosened. 

Then by his order, six thousand prisoners of Banu Hawazin were freed on their appeal. The greatest demonstration of his love for humanity was at the time of his triumphant entry into Makkah. When those who had fought against him for 20 years came to him defeated, he pardoned them all. Small clashes and frontier attacks were quite frequent. Different tribes attacked Madinah at different times from different places. Patrol parties were regularly sent from Madinah and military expeditions were undertaken to deal with disturbing elements while guards had to be kept ready at night. In addition to this, there were constant conspiracies by the Jews and the hypocrites. In short, it was the life of a military camp. 

There were intrigues for disrupting Muslim society, creating dissension, defeating Rasulullah's mission, and even killing Rasulullah. Could there be any greater emergency? But Rasulullah never assumed dictatorial powers, nor promulgated despotic laws. No one was ever imprisoned or punished by emergency powers. No fines or punitive taxes were imposed and no citizen was taxed beyond the impositions ordained by the Divine law. The right of opposition and criticism was never taken away nor was anyone silenced or confined. Even the most mischievous person, Abdullah bin Ubay, was left unhindered.

for their crimes and excesses, and Rasulullah declared: 'There is no punishment for you today. You are all free!" to win their hearts, he showered wealth on them, and instead of humiliating them, he gave them responsible work. Rasulullah knew the revolution which degrades itself by taking revenge digs its own grave while the revolution which forgives and pacifies wins the hearts of even enemies and gains the support of those who had opposed it. 

The Quraish forced Rasulullah into war and once on the battlefield, Rasulullah fought with courage and determination but his military and defensive policies were such that they did the least harm to the enemy; he took every possible care that even during war respect for humanity was maintained. No other revolution can present such outstanding and generous examples of love for humanity. His revolution was purely educative, and based on goodwill towards all mankind.

A  conqueror on such an occasion would have ordered a general massacre or perennial imprisonment as the people of Makkah were legally and morally guilty and deserved to be punished, but because of Rasulullah's love for humanity, they were generously forgiven for their crimes and excesses, and Rasulullah declared: 'There is no punishment for you today. You are all free!" to win their hearts, he showered wealth on them instead of punishing them.

 of life. the most striking achievement of Rasulullah was that man was changed from within and completely transformed. The self-seeking animal which existed in the shape of a man was totally effaced by the power of truth and in his place emerged an Allah-fearing and principled man. If you look at the mesmeric spell of this man you will be wonder-struck. 

A young drunkard of Makkah like  Umar Al Khattab رضياللهعنه was transformed and to what great heights he rose! Fuzala was elevated and to what greatness! Look to Zul Bajadain رضياللهعنه, how he spurned wealth and comforts and took to a life of simplicity! Look at  Abu Zarr رضياللهعنه and his revolutionary spirit th

Chapter 61: The Light They Followed

The Messenger is called a Light because  the first thing which Allah brought forth from the darkness of oblivion with the light of His power...

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