Chapter 54 - At The Pond of Ghadir Khumm and Uhud

It is narrated in Sahih Muslim as well as many other sources that:

Someday (after his last pilgrimage) Rasulullahﷺ stood to give us a speech beside a pond which is known as Khum (Ghadir Khum) which is located between Makkah and Madinah. Then he praised Allahﷻ and reminded Him, and then said: 
“O’ people! Behold! It seems the time approached when I shall be called away (by Allahﷻ) and I shall answer that call. Behold! I am leaving for you two precious things. First of them is the book of Allahﷻin which there is light and guidance… The other one is my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. (three times).”
(Sunni Reference):

  • Sahih Muslim, Chapter of the virtues of the companions, section of the virtues of Ali, 1980 Edition Pub. in
    Saudi Arabia, Arabic version, v4, p1873, Tradition #36.
  • And many others such as Sahih al-Tirmidhi, and Musnad Ahmad (see below).
    For the English version of Sahih Muslim, see Chapter CMXCVI, v4, p1286, Tradition #5920

The manner in which Rasulullah participated in this Hajj, addressed his people, advised, stressed, and expressed his last wishes indicated that Rasulullah was collectively saying farewell. On his way back, he stopped at the pond of Ghadir and delivered another address in which the feelings of parting were more pronounced. After his usual praise of God, he said.

"After this, I have to say that after all I am a man and probably, I will soon receive the call from God which I shall welcome. I am leaving with you the burden of two responsibilities. One of them is the Book of God which contains the rules of guidance and knowledge. So, hold fast to the Book of God and take light from it."

Then after fervent appeals to the importance of the Qur'an, Rasulullah said:

"And the second is my household. For the members of my household remind one of God."

In a special address, Rasulullahﷺ dealt with the differences of opinion among the leaders of his movement. The companions who had gone to Yemen with Saiyidina Ali expressed different opinions and such differences are natural among conscientious men. The matter was brought before Rasulullah who was pained to learn that a personality of the status of Saiyidina Ali Ibn Abu Talib رضي الله عنه  was the subject of dispute. He, therefore, spoke as follows:

"One who is my friend, Ali is also his friend. O God who is friendly with Ali, thou too be friendly to him and who bears enmity to Ali, thou too be his enemy." 

From the month of Safar of the eleventh year of Hijra Rasulullah began his preparations for parting from this world. One day Rasulullah visited Uhud and after praying for the martyrs of Uhud he spoke:

"O, people! I am going to depart from this world before you and be a witness to you. By God, I see the tank of Paradise (Kautsar) from here and the keys of the treasures of kingdoms have been given to me (that is many nations to be conquered as a result of the Islamic call). I have no fear that after me you will assign partners to God. But my fear is that you may be involved in the struggle for worldly benefits."

Then at midnight Rasulullah went to the graveyard of Baqi and prayed for those dead and declared, "I am also to join you soon."

One day Rasulullah called his select companions together and addressed them as follows:

"Prosperity be to you, O Muslims! May God keep you under His Mercy, remove your poverty, give you sustenance and keep you in security. I advise you to fear God and commit yourself to His care, instill in you His fear, for I am a clear warner. Beware, do not take to pride and recalcitrance among God's creatures in the land of God. God has told me and you that the home of the next world will be assigned to those who will not aim at mischief and recalcitrance in this world and the success in the next world is for the God-fearing. Best wishes to all of you and to all those who will pledge to me by accepting Islam."

Rasulullah had a slight headache on his return from the graveyard of Baqi which increased on the 29th of Safar when he went with a funeral procession and returned. For eleven days in the early stage of illness, he went to the mosque and conducted the prayers. For only one week at the height of illness was he bed-ridden and securing the consent of his other consorts he went to Saiyidina Aisyah’s room?

Even in the serious condition of his last illness, he continued to attend to the responsibilities of his mission. The campaigns of Tabuk and Mutah had not yet been completed and any complacency in these would have strengthened the opposing forces. So, in this very condition, he ordered preparations for the campaign against the Roman Empire on the 26th of Safar and the next day appointed Usama bin Zaid  رضي الله عنه its supreme commander addressing him as follows: 

"Proceed and reach the place of your father's martyrdom and attack everyone who denies God."

With his own hands, Rasulullah prepared the standard and gave it to Buraida bin Husaib Aslami.

One or two men murmured about the inexperience (and also the family status) of Usama bin Zaid رضي الله عنه that such a boy was appointed to command over Migrants and Ansar, which greatly pained Rasulullah and despite great pain, he came to the mosque with a headband and spoke.

"It has been reported to me that you have said such and such things about Usama bin Zaid رضي الله عنه. Before this also you had criticized the appointment of his father as commander although by God he was worthy of it and his son is also deserving. He (Zaid bin Haristhah رضي الله عنه) was most dear to us and after him, his son (Usama bin Zaid  رضي الله عنه) is most dear to us."

Before this, just five days before passing away, Rasulullah had seven buckets of water poured over him. When this bath gave some relief, Rasulullah came to the mosque with support and addressed as follows:

"People who had gone before you had made the tombs of prophets and saints objects of worship. You must not. Do not make my tomb an object of worship. Those who made prophet's tombs places of worship met with terrible Divine punishment. I prohibit this. I have conveyed the word to you. O God, Thou art the Witness of it"

"I especially appeal to you about the Ansar. They are the apparel of my body and the source of my strength in the journey of life. They have fulfilled their responsibilities. Now your responsibilities to them remain. Others will expand, but they will remain where they are. You should value their good work and forgive their shortcomings; God has given the choice to His servant either to take all that is in this world or that which is in God's hands. This servant has chosen what is in the hands of God." 

Although all his addresses were like farewell messages, the last phrase of this one foretold his death which was understood by Saiyidina Abu Bakr As Siddiqueرضي الله عنه.

When Rasulullah was unable to attend the congregational prayers due to the seriousness of his illness he appointed Saiyidina  Abu Bakr As Sidiqueرضي الله عنه to lead the prayers in his place. But as his illness increased people's anxiety also grew and they began to collect around the mosque. To pacify the public he took the support of Saiyidina Ali bin Abu Talibرضي الله عنه and Saiyidina Fazal ibn Abba sرضي الله عنه and came to the mosque walking lamely and sitting on the step of the pulpit, and delivered his  last address:

"O people, I have learned that you are worried about my death. Has any prophet remained alive forever? I will soon meet God and you will also meet Him. I advised you to do good to the first Migrants and I advised Migrants to treat one another well". 

Then reciting Sura Al-Asr he continued:

"All affairs are carried on by the order of God. If there is a delay in any matter do not try to hasten it. God will not hasten anything because of anyone. And I advise you to do good to the Ansar. They made Madinah their home before you and took up the faith with eagerness. Did they not share with you their fruits? Did they not give you preference over themselves although they were needy themselves. Listen, I am going ahead and you will also meet me. We promise to meet at the tank of Paradise".

On Monday* [There is much controversy about the date, 12th Rabi I is generally accepted.] he rallied. Rasulullahﷺ brushed his teeth, looked through the curtain, smiled at his assembled companions, and after some moments repeated thrice. "O God! The Highest Companion!" and resting his head on the lap of Saidatuna Aisyahرضي الله عنه passed away to Immortal God!

"We all belong to God, and Him shall we return!"

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