Showing posts with label Taif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taif. Show all posts

Chapter 28 -Battles of Hunayn And The Seige of Taif.

Chapter 28

Battles of Hunayn  And The Seige of Taif.

(630 A.C)

“Certainly Allah helped you on many battlefields when your great number made you vain, but they availed you nothing, and the earth became strait to you notwithstanding its spaciousness, then you turned your back retreating.”

(Quran 9:25)

Banu Hawazin was a tribe occupying territories to the east of Makkah. Some- time before the conquest of Makkah they have been inciting the Bedouins and other tribes to rise against and attack Muslims.  Now seeing that Makkah had fallen and was in the hands of Muslims, they decided to muster a large number and strike a blow at Islam before it became too strong for them. The Hawazin themselves were a very warlike people, brave and experienced warriors and well like skilled in archery.

It was about a month after the conquest of Makkah that Rasulullah ﷺ was informed of what Banu Hawazin, Bedouins, and neighboring tribes had in mind to do. On hearing of these preparations, Rasulullah ﷺ at once sent a messenger to watch the movements of these tribes and find out if there was really any truth in the statement. The messenger soon returns confirming the news and gave Rasulullah ﷺ details of what was going on.

There was no time to be lost, and the Muslims marched forth immediately to disperse the enemy. I all, the Muslim army consisted of twelve thousand, including two thousand Makkans. At the head of this great army Rasulullah ﷺ set out from the city of Makkah towards the valley of Hunayn where, it was reported, the Hawazin encamped. As per observation the Muslim army

At the outset of this expedition, the Muslim force had great confidence in their powers, imagining that the Banu Hawazin army had but to see them to take immediate retreat or surrender without resistance. This was natural, for the easy conquest of Makkah, and their victories on other occasions had turned the heads of many of them; and, this time, the great strength of their army, together with experienced, knowing that they are well-armed and fully equipped, made them certain of success. 

But, Allah wished to teach them a lesson to cure their conceit and bring down their undue pride in themselves. Allah wished to teach them that their former successes were not due to their own strength but to Divine Help and nothing else. Thus, for the benefit of their own souls, when the battle of Hunayn commenced, fortune was very much against the Muslims, and it looked as though defeat was not far off. It is with reference to this scene that the Holy Quran says;

Certainly Allah helped you on many battlefields, and on the day of Hunayn, when your great numbers made you vain, but they availed you nothing, and the earth became strait to you notwithstanding its spaciousness, then you turned back retreating.”

(Quran 9:25)

The Hawazin had posted their best archers in the surrounding hill. As the Muslims advanced they were met with showers of arrows from the hills and on all sides, and the main portion of the army attacked them from the front. The Muslim auxiliaries were leading under the command of Sayidina Khalid Al Walid Ra. They were first to be attacked, and were compelled to fall back. Their retreat caused woeful disorder among the Muslim ranks following, detachments falling over one another in hopeless confusion.  Rasulullahﷺ, seeing the Muslims retreating, remained at his post with only a small band of men to help him. 

The enemy was closing in upon them from all sides, but Rasulullahﷺ did not fear, nor lost heart. Calmly he called out at the top of his voice, “I am Rasulullahﷺ, there is no untruth in it.” This gave hearts to the retreating men, and all rallying to him replied, “Here are we at thy command.” They threw themselves from their camels and horses and desperately attacked the enemy, who gradually gave way. A portion of them had already taken to flight; the rest resisted for a short time, and in the end, seeing most of their leaders killed, they turned tail.

The Hillocks and steep terrains are a perfect landscape for ambush on the Muslim.

Banu Hawazin's expedition to attack the Muslims in Makkah is going for the killing kind of strategy. The commander of the Hawazin army had ordered that all the women and children, as well as their cattle, should accompany them. When forced to retreat they left all the women, children, everything, and just took to their heels. So, a great booty fell into the hands of the Muslims. Over six thousand men and women were taken prisoners, besides thousands of sheep, cattle, as well as about five thousand ounces of silver. 

Placing this booty in a place of safety the Muslims went after the defeated army, a part of which had taken refuge in the fort of “Autos”, whither Rasulullahﷺ a small detachment of Muslims to dislodge them; but the largest part of the army took shelter within the walls of the city of Ta’if, which was well fortified with battlements and strong stone walls. The Hawazin had taken every precaution in preparing for the battle of Hunayn and had laid in provisions to last many months, as well as a great store weapon of war, such as catapults and the like, in case of defeat, within Ta’if. Rasulullahﷺ, with his Muslims army, proceeded there and besieged the town, and, the Hawazin army being well provided, the siege dragged for months. 

In the end, the Muslims grew weary of it, so Rasulullahﷺ called a meeting of all his friends to decide what was best to be done. About that time an old Bedouins Chief informed Rasulullahﷺ that the Hawazin were well provided and that it was not likely that they would surrender in a hurry. He also said that if they were left alone now they would attempt no further harm to the Muslims.

Rasulullahﷺ then ordered the siege to be raised. Someone asked him to invoke the anger of Allah on the fallen foe, but the prayer Rasulullahﷺ said was, “O! Allah! Grant light to this tribe and bring them to Islam.” His prayer was granted; it was these very people who later embraced Islam voluntarily.

Returning from Ta’if Rasulullahﷺ set aside one-fifth of the booty for the public treasury (Baitul Mal) and the rest he divided amongst the Muslims army. After thus distributing the spoils, he made certain grants to the Bedouins and Quraish chief. But this gives rise to a feeling of resentment among the Helpers from Madinah. They grumbled among themselves and said that Rasulullahﷺ was partial to the Quraish because they were his own kinsmen. Rasulullahﷺ hearing this sent for them and spoke to them who admitted that they had given expression to those views. Rasulullahﷺ then speak very kindly to them and explained the case, ending with these words, “O! Helpers! If all the people in the world go one way while my Helpers take another, I Rasulullah, will tread the path of the Helpers.” This outburst of Rasulullahﷺ greatly move the helpers, and they burst into tears of joy, knowing that Rasulullahﷺ cared for them more than the others and more than all the riches of the world.


The people of Thaqif, who were defeated by Muslims in the Battle of Hunayn, took refuge in their land, Taif; they closed the gates of the city and prepared to fight.  

It was one of the last shelters of polytheism. They had to be defeated so that they would never have the courage to oppose Islam. Malik b. Awf, who had made the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif revolt against Muslims, took shelter there, too. It was necessary to catch him and punish him.

Therefore, Rasulullahﷺ set off toward Taif with the mujahids. He knew Taif very well. Years ago, he had experienced the most painful days of his life there. He had gone to Taif to invite them to Islam but they had stoned him and he was drenched in blood.

The Islamic army reached the land of Taif soon. However, the people of Thaqif had locked themselves into their castle and stocked plenty of food as a precaution.  

It was not possible to enter the city by climbing the walls. Therefore, Rasulullahﷺ besieged the city. The headquarters of the Islamic army was near the city walls; therefore, the mujahids received many arrow shots. Meanwhile, several mujahids were martyred by arrows.

Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ moved the headquarters back, near the place where the Mosque of Taif is located today. Two tents were put up for Umm Salama and Zaynab, the wives of RasulullahﷺRasulullahﷺ performed his prayers between these two tents and sat there. After the people of Thaqif became Muslims, they built a mosque there and named it “Sariya Mosque”

During the siege, fighting continued in the form of throwing arrows.

The People of Thaqif are Stoned Through Catapults

When Rasulullahﷺ saw that the siege prolonged and that the people of Thaqif had no intention of surrendering, he talked to the mujahids to set up some catapults and throw stones at them.

Salman al-Farisi RA said, “I find it appropriate; we used to set up catapults in Persia in the castles and the enemy also used to set up catapults against us. Thus, it was easier to defeat each other. When there were no catapults, we had to wait for a long time.”

Rasulullahﷺ liked the idea of Salman al-Farisi RA and ordered a catapult to be set up. The order was fulfilled. There were two catapults in the army; with the new one that was set up, the number of the catapults amounted to three. There were also two dabbadas (strong carriage made of cowhide) in the Islamic army.

The mujahids tried to go under these dabbadas and approach the castle and break through the wall but they could not manage it because the arrows, hot pieces of iron, and pokers thrown by the enemy soldiers pierced the hide and made it difficult for them to proceed. Meanwhile, a few mujahids were martyred.

Attempt to Cut off Grapevines

The siege was prolonged and the aim could not be realized. Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ took a different measure: In order to suppress the enemy economically, he announced that the vineyards and orchards that belonged to the notables of Taif and where high-quality grapes were cultivated would be destroyed; and he ordered the mujahids to cut off the grapevines.

When the people of Thaqif saw that their vineyards and orchards, which were their only source of income, were being destroyed, they said to Rasulullahﷺ, “O Muhammad! Why are you cutting off our plants? If you defeat us, you will take them. Otherwise, leave them to us by considering the consent of God and the rights of kinship.”

Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ said, “I am leaving your vineyards considering the consent of God and the rights of kinship.” Then, Rasulullahﷺ prohibited the mujahids from cutting off their grapevines.

Meanwhile, Sayyidina Khalid b. Walid RA, the heroic Companion asked the enemy to send someone to fight him one-on-one. However, there was no reaction from the enemy. One of them said to  Sayyidina Khalid b. Walid RA

“None of us will leave the castle to fight you. We are going to continue sitting in the castle. We have had enough food stock for years. If we run out of food and if you prefer to wait until then, we will draw our swords and fight you until we die.”

A New Tactic

The siege went on and on. The people of Thaqif had no intention of leaving their castle and fighting one-on-one. They did not think of surrendering, either.

Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ used a different tactic. He had an announcement made: “Any slave that leaves the castle, joins us, and becomes a Muslim will be free.”

Upon this announcement, about twenty slaves left the castle, joined the Islamic army, and became Muslims. Rasulullahﷺ freed them and surrendered each of them to a wealthy Muslim so that they will teach them how to read the Quran and teach them about the sunnah. 

When the people of Thaqif later became Muslims, they asked Rasulullahﷺ to return those slaves to them. However, Rasulullahﷺ rejected their request by saying, “God freed them; I cannot return them to you.”

The Hypocrisy of Uyayna b. Hisn

Meanwhile, Uyayna b. Hisn went to the presence of Rasulullahﷺ and said, “O Messenger of God! Let me go and talk to them; I will invite them to Islam. Maybe God will grant them guidance.”

When Rasulullahﷺ let Uyayna, he went to the people of Taif and talked to them contrary to what he said to Rasulullahﷺ, “By God, Muhammad has never encountered any people like you. Your castles are well-protected. Go on resisting.”

After that, Uyayna returned.

Rasulullahﷺ said, “O Uyayna! What did you tell them?”

Uyayna spoke as if he was telling the truth: “I invited them to become Muslims. I said, ‘Muhammad will not return unless you surrender. Surrender and ask for forgiveness.’”

When Uyayna finished his talk, Rasulullahﷺ said to him furiously, “You are lying. You said this and that.” Rasulullahﷺ told him exactly what he had said.

Uyayna’s face blushed. He said, “You are telling the truth, O Rasulullahﷺ! I ask Allah to forgive me for what I said. I regret it. I repent to God.”

Meanwhile, Saiyidina Umaru’l-Faruq RA said, “O Rasulullahﷺ! Let me kill him.”

Rasulullahﷺ said, “No! People will say I am killing my Companions then.”

The Dream of Rasulullahﷺ.

One night, Rasulullahﷺ saw a dream. Rasulullahﷺ saw that he was offered a bowl of butter but a cock turned over the bowl with its beak and spilled the butter.

When Rasulullahﷺ told his Companions about his dream, Sayidina Abu Bakr As Sidique RA  said, “O Rasulullahﷺ! I think you will not attain what you wish about the people of Taif today.”

Rasulullahﷺ had the same idea. He said, “I do not think it is possible, either.

The Siege is Lifted

Rasulullahﷺ realized that he would not be able to conquer Taif at that time. If he continued the siege, he would lose time.

Meanwhile, Rasulullahﷺ told his Companions that he was not given permission to conquer Taif for the time being.

Thereupon, Hazrat Umar said, “Shall we tell people to get ready to retreat?”

The Prophet said, “Yes...”

Thereupon, Sayidina Umar ibn Khattab RA told the Muslims to get ready to leave Taif. Sayidina Umar ibn Khattab RAr also asked Rasulullahﷺ, “O Rasulullahﷺ! Will you pray against the people of Thaqif?”

Rasulullahﷺ said, “God did not allow me to pray against them. Get ready to move.”

However, some of the mujahids did not want to leave without attaining anything. They even said, “Where are we going without conquering Taif?”

They applied to Sayidina Abu Bakr As Sidique RA. He said to them, “God and His Messenger know it better. Rasulullahﷺ receives orders from the sky.”

Thereupon, they went to Sayidina  Umaru’l-Faruq RA and talked to him.  Sayidina  Umaru’l-Faruq RA said to them,

“We experienced the Incident of Hudaybiyah. In Hudaybiyah, I had some doubts that only Allah knew. That day, I uttered some words that I had never uttered before to Rasulullahﷺ. My family and property were almost destroyed. There was no conquest better than the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyah for the people. The number of the people who became Muslims after the Hudaybiyah was bigger than the number of people who became Muslims during the period between the day Rasulullahﷺ was sent as a prophet and the day the Peace Treaty was signed in Hudaybiyah, and they became Muslims without any fighting. Whatever Rasulullahﷺ does is good. After the Incident of Hu­daybiyah, I cannot object to him for anything. This is Allah’s affair. Allah reveals to His Messenger whatever He wishes.”

When Rasulullahﷺ noticed that the general opinion of the mujahids was to stay in Taif for some more time, he said to them, “Get ready to fight tomorrow morning.”

In the morning, they fought. However, this fighting brought about nothing but some wounds. The mujahids also believed that they could not conquer Taif. When Rasulullahﷺ said, “Inshaallah, we will return tomorrow”, they were happy. Rasulullahﷺ smiled at their state.   

Rasulullahﷺ and his army left Taif after a siege that lasted for about thirty days.

The people of Taif struggled with the mujahids a lot; they tired and wounded them; they also martyred about fourteen mujahids. Therefore, when the mujahids were about to leave, they asked Rasulullahﷺ to pray against the people of Taif. However, Rasulullahﷺ, who was sent as a mercy to the realms, prayed as follows: “O God! Show the people of Taif the right path and make them come to us.”

Rasulullahﷺ had such a vast feeling of mercy and such a big ocean of compassion that he did not want even his fiercest enemies to be destroyed; on the contrary, he wanted them to live with the light of Islam and belief. He asked his Lord to do it. 

Returning to Jirina

After Rasulullahﷺ lifted the siege, he left Taif together with the mujahids for the place called Jirana, where the booty obtained in Hunayn and Awtas was kept.

Suraka b. Jushum Becomes a Muslim

While Rasulullahﷺ and his Companions were going to Jirana from Taif, they noticed someone approaching them. The Muslims wanted to stop him because they did not know him. They even wanted to harass him lest he should be someone with evil intentions. They asked him, “Where are you going? What do you want to do?”

When he realized that the Muslims would not let him approach Rasulullahﷺ, he held the writing written by Sayidina Abu Bakr As Sidique RA for him during the Migration between two of his fingers and shouted by showing it: “O Rasulullahﷺ! This is what you wrote for me. I am Suraka b. Jushum.”

Rasulullahﷺ recognized him. He said, “Today is the day to keep my promise and to do you a favor.” Then he called out to the Muslims, “Let him approach me.”

When Suraka went to the presence of Rasulullahﷺ, he uttered kalima ash-shahada and became a Muslim.

Suraka later said,

“I asked Rasulullahﷺ, ‘O Rasulullahﷺ! Some camels at large come close to my pools that I fill with water for my camels. Will I have rewards if I give water to them, too?’ Rasulullahﷺ said, ‘Yes... There is a reward for giving water to any being that has lungs.’ I did not ask anything else. I returned to my tribe. I separated the zakah for my goods and sent it to Rasulullahﷺ.”

The Booty and the Captives

Rasulullahﷺ proceeded and reached Jirana. The booty and the captives obtained by the mujahids during the fighting were quite a lot. The number of women and children held captive was about six thousand.

The booty that they obtained consisted of twenty-four thousand camels, forty thousand sheep, and four thousand uqiyyas of silver.

Rasulullahﷺ did not start to distribute the captives among the mujahids in case Hawazins came and became Muslims. Meanwhile, he sent a Companion to Makkah to bring clothes for the captives; he clothed all of them.

Though Rasulullahﷺ waited for more than ten nights, Hawazins did not come; so, he distributed the captives among the Muslims.

Hawazin Delegates Arrive

The captives had just been distributed among the mujahids when Hawazin delegates arrived. They said they had become Muslims and that the people in their land had become Muslims.

Halimah, the foster mother of Rasulullahﷺ belonged to the tribe of Hawazins. It was a tribe that looked after Rasulullahﷺ when he was an infant. They mentioned it and asked the Muslims to treat them well; they also demanded their goods and the captives.  

Rasulullahﷺ said, to them, “I postponed distributing the booty and the captives for a long time in case you came. However, you came too late. I distributed the captives among the mujahids. It is very difficult for me to return them to you.”

After this talk, Rasulullahﷺ offered them to choose one of them: If they wanted, they would prefer to receive their goods or women and children back. Hawazins preferred their women and children.

Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ said, “I am returning the captives that were my share and the shares of Sons of Abdul-Muttalib.” Then he said to them, “After I lead the noon prayer, stand up and say, ‘We want Rasulullahﷺ to intercede with the Muslims for us and the Muslims to intercede with Rasulullahﷺ for us.’ I will repeat that I have waived my share and I will ask the Muslims to waive their shares.”

When Rasulullahﷺ led the noon prayer, Ha­wa­zins stood up as Rasulullahﷺ had advised them and asked Rasulullahﷺ and the Muslims to return the captives.

Rasulullahﷺ declared loudly in the presence of the Muslims that he waived his shares and the shares of the Sons of Abdul-Muttalib. When the Muhajirin and Ansar heard it, they waived their shares.

Thus, thanks to the two sentences uttered by Rasulullahﷺ, about six thousand women and children held as captives were released at once. This event is interesting because it shows both the vast compassion and mercy of Rasulullahﷺ and the Muslims’ absolute loyalty and obedience. 

Malik b. Auf Becomes a Muslim

After Rasulullahﷺ returned the women and children to Hawazins, he asked, “What is Malik b. Auf doing?”

Hawazin delegates said, “He escaped and took refuge in the Castle of Taif. Now, he is together with the people of Taif.”

Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ said, “Go and tell him that if he becomes a Muslim and comes here, I will return him his family and give him one hundred camels.”

When the Hawazin delegates told him what Rasulullahﷺ said, Malik came to the presence of Rasulullahﷺ and became a Muslim. The Rasulullahﷺ surrendered him his goods and his family as he had promised; he also gave him one hundred camels. Apart from giving him one hundred camels, Rasulullahﷺ gratified him by appointing him as the administrator of the Muslims in his tribe.

Affected by the grant of Rasulullahﷺ, who conquered hearts through his nice attitudes, sweet words, grants, and compliments, Malik b. Auf said, “I have neither seen nor heard anyone like Muhammad so far. When he is asked to grant something, he grants more than he is asked. If you ask him, he will tell you about the events that will take place tomorrow."

Ma­lik b. Auf, who had prepared a great army against the Muslims about a month ago, became a Muslim and entered the service of Islam. 

Distribution of the Booty

After the captives were returned to their owners, Rasulullahﷺ was going to start to distribute the booty.

Meanwhile, it was seen that some Bedouins disturbed Rasulullahﷺ and pulled his garment by saying, “O Messenger of God! Distribute the booty of camels and sheep among us.” The Bedouins went so far that Rasulullahﷺ had to lean back to a tree. Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ said, “Do you think I will not distribute the booty that Allah granted among you? By Allah, if the booty was as much as the number of the trees of Tihaman, I would distribute them among you without fear and stinginess.” Then, he picked a camel's hair and held it between his fingers, and showed it to them. He said, “O people! By Allah, apart from the one-fifth, there is nothing, not even something like this camel hair, that I have from the booty. And the one-fifth is spent on you when it is necessary.” After that, Rasulullahﷺ had the booty items counted and distributed to everybody their share.

Grants to the Muallafa al-Qulub

In the Islamic army in Jirana, there were about two thousand people who had just become Muslims on the day of the Conquest of Makkah and some notables of Makkah that had not become Muslims yet. Rasulullahﷺ used a new method in order to strengthen the belief of the new Muslims and to gain over the hearts of people who had not become Muslims yet.  

As it is known, Rasulullahﷺ had the right to use one-fifth of the bounty. He could spend this one-fifth on necessary things and people.

Due to the purpose mentioned above, he gave abundantly from the one-fifth to the new Muslims and the notables of the Quraysh in order to soften their hearts.

He gave Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraysh, his sons Yazid and Muawiya one hundred camels each and forty uqiyyas of silver each. Thus, Abu Sufyan and his sons received three hundred camels and one hundred and twenty uqiyyas of silver totally. Abu Sufyan, who was received such great generosity and grants said,   “May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! You are so generous and charitable. When we fought against you, you fought so nicely. When we made peace, you made peace so nicely. May Allah reward you with good things.” Thus, he expressed the generosity and philanthropy of Rasulullahﷺ.

Besides, Rasulullahﷺ granted two hundred camels to some of the notables of the Quraysh and fifty camels to other notables each.

Safwan b. Umayya Becomes a Muslim

Safwan b. Umayya was one of the people who opposed and acted against Rasulullahﷺ and Muslims severely. He was one of the people that had been ordered to be killed wherever they were seen on the day of the conquest of Makkah. However, when he took refuge in Rasulullahﷺ, who was like an ocean of compassion, he was forgiven. He asked for a period of two months to become a Muslim. Rasulullahﷺ gave him four months.  He also joined the Islamic army.

While Rasulullahﷺ was checking the booty in Jirana, he spotted Safwan, who had not become a Muslim yet. He was staring at the valley full of camels and sheep.

The blessed eyes of Rasulullahﷺ noticed this careful look and senses what he was thinking about. He said,

“Abu Wahb! Did you like the valley a lot?”

Safwan said, “Yes...”

Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ said, “Then, the valley belongs to you with all the things in it.”

Safwan was astonished; he could not believe his ears. After waiting for a while in astonishment due to the grants and generosity of Rasulullahﷺt, who never said no to the requests of people, Safwan said, “The heart of nobody except a Rasulullahﷺ can be so pure, good, and generous.” He stated that his heart had been conquered.

Safwan was affected by the attraction of the light of Islam and the sun of the prophethood. He uttered kalima ash-shahada there and became a Muslim. Thus, Safwan b. Umayya, who was the enemy of Islam for years and who was given permission for a period of four months to become a Muslim, embraced Islam at the end of the first month.   

Safwan, who beautified his Islam through good deeds, later stated the following about the effect made by that generosity:

Rasulullahﷺ was the person that I hated the most among the people until he granted me the valley. However, after his grant, he became the most beloved person for me.”

This incident is an example showing clearly how skilled Rasulullahﷺ was at knowing people and treating them accordingly. Sometimes one compliment of his, sometimes a sweet word, sometimes a smile, a nice act, and sometimes a grant was enough to gain over people. Only this characteristic of his is a topic that can be researched. When this research is made, it will be seen that Rasulullahﷺ determined the rules and principles of making friends and gaining over the hearts of people more than fourteen centuries ago uniquely through his acts, attitudes, and words.

To be able to make people loyal to you with one look, sign, word, smile or act is a characteristic of Rasulullahﷺ that needs to be learned by humanity. 

The Objection of the Companions

Some Muslims who did not know the reason behind this act of Rasulullahﷺ that aimed to affect the spirits of the people who had not become Muslims yet or who had just become Muslims felt disturbed by this act. They thought those people were preferred over them and that they were regarded superior. However, Rasulullahﷺ did not do so with such thoughts. 

As a matter of fact, when he was granting the people whose hearts he wanted to gain over (muallafa al-qulub), Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, one of the Companions, went to his presence and said, “O Rasulullahﷺ! You gave people like Uyayna b. Hisn one-hundred camels each instead of people like  Juayl b. Suraka.”

Rasulullahﷺ realized the reason for the opposition very well. Juayl was really poor in terms of money and goods but he was very rich in terms of belief. Rasulullahﷺ knew that it was the reason of opposition; so, he answered Sa’ad as follows:

“By Allah, if the earth was full of people like Uyayna and Aqra, Juayl would be better and more virtuous than them. However, I am giving them abundantly to make them like Islam and belief. I refer Juayl to his Islam and the rewards prepared for him in the hereafter.”

Some People from Ansar Talk Critically

What distressed Rasulullahﷺ was what he heard from some Madinah Muslims. In fact, Rasulullahﷺ had expressed his loyalty and love about them as follows: “My life is together with your life; my death is together with your life.”

Rasulullahﷺ was granted abundantly to the people who had been fierce enemies of Islam and the Muslims until yesterday, who had not made a sacrifice for the religion and who had not undergone any troubles for the religion. That was what made the Companions think about it. They felt distressed by the act of Rasulullahﷺ because they had not realized the real wisdom behind the act of Rasulullahﷺ and they showed their distress by their attitudes. Some of them even uttered unpleasant words.

Sa’ad b. Ubada RA told Rasulullahﷺ about the distress and discontent of some Ansar. Thereupon, Rasulullahﷺ summoned Ansar and addressed them as follows: “O Ansar! I heard that you uttered some words that you should not have uttered. You said this and that.”

Upon the words of Rasulullah some Ansar apologized; they said, “O Rasulullah! We did not say so; some of our young people spoke like that.”

Despite their apology, Rasulullah continued speaking: “O Ansar! Did I not come to you when you were on the wrong path? Did Allah not grant you guidance through me? Did Allah not make you rich when you were poor through me? You were enemies of one another. Did Allah not soften your hearts and unite you?”

Ansar said, “Yes, O Rasulullah! You found us in darkness; we attained light thanks to you. You found us near a hole of fire; we got rid of it thanks to you. You found us in aberration; we attained the true path thanks to you. We accepted Allah as Lord, Islam as the religion, and Rasulullahﷺ as the Prophet. The rights and bounties of Allah and His  Rasulullahﷺ on us are superior to everything. We are grateful to Allah and His Rasulullah. O Rasulullah of Allah! Do whatever you wish.”

Despite this, Rasulullahcontinued speaking. He did not want any anxiety or resentment to remain in their hearts. He added,

“O Ansar! If you had wished, you could have said this and it would have been true: ‘You came to us when you were rejected by others and we confirmed you. You came to us when you were left alone and we helped you. You had been deported but we looked after you like our souls.’  Yes, if you had said so, I would have confirmed you.”

After this conversation, Rasulullahexpressed what he meant to say through the following laconic sentences:

“O Ansar! Do you not want to return to your land with Rasulullah while some people leave with the goods, camels, and sheep that they have obtained?”

The Muslims of Madinah answered this question by shouting, “Yes, O Rasulullah! We do.”

Upon this answer, Rasulullah ended his speech, which changed the situation altogether, as follows:

“I swear by Allah, in whose hand of power is the existence of Muhammad that, if it were not for the virtue of the Migration, I would want to be a member of Ansar!

O, God! Show mercy on Ansar, their children, and the children of their children!”

Upon these sincere and loving words of Rasulullah the Muslims of Madinah started to cry sobbingly; their beards got wet due to the tears coming down.   

They made their final decision. They said, “We consent to Rasulullah as our share of the booty even if we do not receive anything else.”

A unique share of the booty!

Allah Almighty granted His beloved Rasulullah such unexceptional persuasive ability. On the one hand, he affected the spirits of his fierce enemies and attracted them to Islam through his words; on the other hand, he eliminated all of the resentment of his friends through one speech. 

From Jirana to Makkah

There were twelve days left for the month of Dhulqada to end.

When Rasulullah was in Jirana, he performed prayers in the mosque there; he went to the mosque again, performed prayers, prayed, and entered ihram for Umrah. Then, he left Jirana and entered Makkah at night with his Companions. Rasulullah uttered Talbiyah during the journey; when he saw the Kaaba, he stopped uttering Talbiyah. In the morning, he circumambulated the Kaabah with his Companions. Then, he performed say between Safa and Marwa. After the seventh day, he cut his hair near Marwah.

Rasulullah did not sacrifice an animal during this Umra.

Returning to Madinah

Rasulullah wanted to return to Madinah.

He appointed At­tab b. Asid RA as the governor of Makkah again. He ordered Muadh b. Jabal RA to stay there so that he will tell people about Islam and teach the Quran.

Then, he set off from Makkah. He reached Madinah a few days before the end of the month of Dhulqada.

In his childhood, Rasulullahﷺ was looked after by his nurse Halimah Sadiah, for whom he and her family had great affection. Now, amongst the prisoners, he was surprised to see her daughter, his foster sister, Shayma. Recognizing her, he at once rose and spread his mantle for her to sit on, and treated her with every kindness as though she was his own sister. He even asked her to accompany him to Madinah but she begged Rasulullah allow her to go back to her own people. Rasulullah granted this request and also gave her many valuables presents for herself and her family.

A deputation was sent to Rasulullah asking him to release the six thousand prisoners. Any other conqueror, knowing the nature of their mission, would have refused to see them, or would have turned a deaf ear to their pleadings and their wishes. Rasulullah was a noble by nature; his mercy knew no boundaries; it was extended to his most bitter enemies. The spokesman of the deputation told him how the thousands suffered being separated from their homes and their people. This melted the heart of Rasulullah

Thereupon he ordered the release of those prisoners, who had fallen to his own share and share of his family. As for the rest, who had fallen to the share of others, he said he could not order their release but would intercede with others for them. During the afternoon prayer, therefore, he address the Muslim congregation, exhorted them to be merciful and commended the release of the prisoners who had fallen to their shares. This they willingly agreed to do. Thus through the intercession of Rasulullahﷺ, six thousand prisoners were set free and allowed to go back to their homes.

In the month of Zu’l Qa’da, 8 A.H (630 A.C), Rasulullah visited Makkah on his return from Ta’if. He performed there the Minor Pilgrimage (Umrah), and returned to Madinah at the end of the year. It was at this time that the name “Ummu ‘l Qur’an was given to Makkah, which means “the mother of all towns.” Year after year thousands of people came there from all parts of the country during the pilgrimage, and the people of Makkah were considered leaders in the matter of religion. 

Naturally, after the conquest of Makkah by the Muslims, people began to join the Muslim Brotherhood in large numbers from all parts of Arabia. This is why, after the conquest of Makkah in the year 9 A.H (631 A.C) Islam was soon spreading all over Arabia, with the tribe after tribe turning to the right path and embracing Islam. It was the same year that Rasulullah ﷺ established the collecting of the poor rate (zakat) from all tribes belonging to Islam. The payment of the poor rate is obligatory on all Muslims, and it is the main item that goes to replenish the Public Treasury.

It was during the year 631 A.C and 632 A.C that Islam began to take a firm foothold, and it was during those years also Rasulullah heard that the tribe of Banu Tay was bent on making mischief and causing more trouble to the Muslims. At once Sayidina Ali RA was sent with two hundred soldiers to deal with the situation. Many prisoners were taken, among them being Sufana, the daughter of Hatim Ta’I, a man well known for his kindness and generosity. On hearing this Rasulullah set Sufana free for the sake of his father, but she told Rasulullah that she did not want her freedom unless the prisoners of her tribes were set free as well. Thereupon her request was granted and the prisoners were released. 

Her brother, who had been amongst them, later returned and embraced Islam. During this time the famous poet; Ka’ab bin Zuhayr, who had one time been a most bitter enemy of Muslims, also embraced Islam. It was he who composed the famous poem known as ‘Burda” in praise of RasulullahSoon Islam won general popularity throughout Arabia. Its triumph was carried far and wide, to all corners of the peninsula. People coming on pilgrimage carried the news; for men had been interested in many years in the struggle between Rasulullah and the Quraish. They knew of the Flight, and of the hard times that followed for the Muslims. Also, they knew how the enemies of Islam year in and year out had tried their utmost to crush and put an end to it.  

And now deputations poured in from all parts of Arabia.  They were received with honor and instructed in the principles of Islam. They even came from the very borders of Persia and Syria, from faraway places like Hadramaut (Present-day Yemen), and others.  Thus we see how rapidly in times of peace Islam spread, and also as long as there was war and conditions were unsettled its progress was at a standstill.

So rapidly was Islam spreading and it is power growing that it seemed as if some invisible power was busy bringing hundreds upon hundreds to embrace Islam.  There is yet another fact that deserves to be mentioned. It is that although deputations come from perilous places asking for instructions, never did Rasulullah ﷺ send armed escorts with his preachers. He sent them alone and unarmed; for he felt convinced that no harm would befall them. Since those days “Religious freedom and peace have been favoring and ever will favor the spread of the True Religion, Islam.

The Background of The Battle

When the first time for the prophet Muhammad decided to leave the town as the history of the holy city of Mecca from in Islam perspective, he made an appointment with Mu’az bin Jabal RA.

Rasulullah guided and educate him to entrust the people and the government through the administration to lead the imamate prayer in the Mosque to Atab bin Usayd. After this, the information spread quickly and make the prophet proceed the land of the Hawazin tribe

The tribe of Hawazin and Thaqif were the last tribe against Rasulullah avoid through the message of Islam. The dreadful of the tribe was bordering Makkah.

They were possessed strongly by polytheism and avoided surrendering to the Muslims without any resistance. 

Fact about The Battle of Hunain. 

Islam spread rapidly within the Arab Peninsula. However, there are a few more tribes who did not come to the fold of Islam. Amongst those are the Huwaizin and Thaqif. 

Battle of Hunain was the turning point and win-win for Islam after the peaceful conquest of Makkah. Rasulullahwho came to Makkah with 10,000 companions-soldiers after a stay about two weeks at Makkah marched to Hunain with 12000 implying new 2000 converts and some of them were from still pagan khuzaa tribes whose hearts were inclined towards Islam.

Firstly Muslims won decisively after an upsetting start ( overconfidence of big army as Allah tells in Quran 9:25)

لَقَدْ نَصَرَكُمُ اللَّهُ فِى مَوَاطِنَ كَثِيرَةٍ وَيَوْمَ حُنَيْنٍ إِذْ أَعْجَبَتْكُمْ كَثْرَتُكُمْ فَلَمْ تُغْنِ عَنكُمْ شَيْياً وَضَاقَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الَارْضُ بِمَا رَحُبَتْ ثُمَّ وَلَّيْتُم مُّدْبِرِينَ

Truly, Allah has given you victory on many battlefields, and on the day of Hunayn when you rejoiced at your great number, but it availed you naught and the earth, vast as it is, was straitened for you, then you turned back in flight. 

(Quran 9:25)

Allah, the Exalted and Ever High, states that victory does not depend on numbers or collecting weapons and shields. Rather, victory is from Him, Exalted He is. 

( Refer for more Tafsir ibn Kathir )

So after a few very upsetting disorganized moments when Rasulullah was left with few dozen of soldiers around him, Allah reorganized the Muslim army and sent Angels as in Tafsir ibn Kathir 9:26 and made Muslims win the battle decisively against 20,000 Hawazin and Thakif tribes Soldiers and the families and large wealth ( cattle and camels etc ) of the Taif leaders were taken as captives and war booty whom those stupid leaders had needlessly brought them on to the battlefield so that none of their soldiers flee or retreats. But they ran away so after waiting for a week or a bit more Rasulullah already distributed them to the Muslim soldiers. Here Rasulullahdisplays his EXEMPLARY GREAT CHARACTER OF MERCY when those leaders surrendered and begged Rasulullah and were asking for their goods and families back and Rasulullah allowed them to choose any one of them. 

So they choose their families and Rasulullah bought them back from their owners who held them with his own funds and this changed the leader's hearts to Islam. On hearing this incredibly merciful treatment to those worst Taif leaders who ill-treated this Kindest Prophet of Allah with dogs and stones jolted the whole Arabian peninsula to the extent all began voluntarily submitting to Islam. This year was called the year of delegates where 70 (or 700 ) delegations throughout Arabia visited Rasulullah at the Prophets Mosque and accepted Islam. Yemen surrendered voluntarily to Rasulullah most of them converting and where other states like Bahrain. SEE HOW KINDNESS PAID ISLAM (not the sword as islamophobes claim )

Lesson from The Battle of Hunayn

 The cause for defeat has been very clearly manifested through numerous situations in our history; it is a deficiency in the tarbiyah (education and cultivation). A clear manifestation of this is what happened in the battle of Hunayn when Muslims were defeated at the beginning of the battle, about which Allah said: 

"And on the day of Hunayn, when you rejoiced at your great number, but it availed you naught, and the earth - vast as it is - was straightened for you, then you turned back in flight.

(Quran 9: 25)

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "From the wisdom of Allah, He first gave them a taste of the bitterness of defeat and of being overcome, despite their large number, preparation, and strength, in order that heads which had been raised up due to the conquest of Makkah, should be lowered out of humility before their Lord, humbling before His Greatness and submitting to His Might.

All of this occurred so that He should make clear to those who said: "We will not be defeated today because of our numbers!" Explaining to them that the victory comes only from Him and that whomsoever He aids, then none can overcome him, and whomsoever He forsakes, then there is none to grant victory to him, besides Allah.

 And that He took it upon Himself to aid and grant victory to His Messenger and His deen (religion) - not due to their large number which they (falsely) delighted in, since that was of no avail to them. Rather, they fled, turning their backs. So when their hearts had become downcast, Allah sent them the removal of their distress and a prior taste of victory, by sending down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers and by sending down the unseen forces (i.e. the Angles). So from His wisdom was that He only granted victory and its gifts to them when their hearts had become downcast and saddened:

     "And We desired to do a favor to those who were weak in the land and to make them leaders and make them the inheritors. And to establish them in the land, and We let Fir'awn (Pharaoh) and Haaman and their hosts receive from them that which they feared." 

(Quran 28: 5-6)

  Impatience: an Obstacle against Tarbiyah

From that which negates tarbiyah and prevents its completion is: being hasty and having a lack of sabr (patient perseverance). This produces a negative result, the least of which is a delay in victory. Our Lord said: 

"And what made you hasten from your people, O Musa (Moses)? He replied: They are close on my footsteps, and I hastened to You O my Lord, that You might be pleased." 

( Quran 20: 83-84) 

A clear goal and a clear intention: 

"I hastened to You, O my Lord, to please You." So Allah said: "Indeed We have tried your people in your absence, and As-Saamiree has led them astray." 

(Quran 20: 85)


So this is Musa, and he was one of the Ulul- 'Azm (foremost in resolve) from the Messengers, yet he sought to hasten the affairs. So when he sought to hasten the affairs, fitnah (trial and discord) occurred amongst his people - which was that they began worshipping others besides Allah.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: "Whosoever considers the trials and discords that have come upon Islam, the small and the great of them, will realize that they were due to abandoning this principle of not being hasty, and of having Sabr (patience) upon that which is harmful, and seeking to remove the harm in a hasty manner. This, in turn, produces that which is greater and worse than the initial harm."

Tarbiya and Sabr (Education and patience): the Key to Victory

Muhammad Qutb said in his book: Waaqi'unal Mu'aasir, while he was speaking about the Islamic Movements in Egypt, internally and externally. "So with regard to within the country, then there occurred from them hastiness in showing the strength of the jamaa'ah (i.e. the Muslims) - whether in making themselves manifest, or in demonstrations, protest marches, entering into political affairs of the time - such as fighting the communists; and supporting the affairs of the country in the security council, and other than that.

It is as if the jamaa'ah, each and every time, wanted to say: we are here, and we are able to do such and such… leaving aside the matters of the day. Was this something that was permissible for the Muslim jamaa'ah to enter into? Or was its obligation to call for the correction of the fundamental manhaj (methodology) of living, to the establishment of the firm pillars, and to the perfection of the desired tarbiyah. However, seeking to hasten the movement before its time, then produced an effect upon the overall direction."

What will very clearly demonstrate the matter of hastiness and its many negative effects is the saying of Allah when He said:

    "Have you not seen those who were told to hold back their hands (from fighting) and perform salaat (prayer) and give the Zakat (obligatory charity), but when fighting was ordained for them, behold! A section of them fear men as they fear Allah, or even more. They say: Our Lord! Why have You ordained fighting for us? Would that You had granted us respite for a short period." 

(Quran 4: 77)


"So those who were resolved upon jihad and loved it, when they were tested with it, they were averse to it and fled from it." And they were from the Companions of Rasulullah those who received tarbiyah (cultivation and education) beneath the shade of Revelation and who were guided by the Shari'ah (Islamic Law). So how about those after them - the greatest of whom cannot even reach a handful, or even half a handful, of their caliber?


   So finally: due to all that has preceded, it has been said by the Callers to Islam and the people of culture, and the people of Movements - after previously denying it: "Indeed I certainly believe in the strength of knowledge, and I believe in the strength of culture and learning, but I have a greater belief in the strength of tarbiyah."



[1]Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 125.

[2]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 125; Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. 3, p. 133.

[3]Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 125.

[4]Atika, one of the great-grandmothers of the Prophet was from Thaqif.

[5]Waqidi, Maghazi, Vol. 3, p. 928.

[6]Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 2, p. 158.

[7]Halabi, Insanu’l-Uyun, Vol. 3, p. 80.

[8]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 158-159.

[9]Waqidi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 932.

[10]Halabi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 81.

[11]Halabi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 81.

[12]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 127; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 133-134.

[13]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 159.

[14]Waqidi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 936.

[15]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 131; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 159.

[16]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 135.

[17]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 131; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 152.

[18]One uqiyya is 1283 grams.

[19]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 152.

[20]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 154.

[21]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 153; Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4. p. 131.

[22]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 132; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 4, p. 327.

[23]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 133; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 135.

[24]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 134; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 136.

[25]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 134.

[26]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 135; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 136.

[27]Halabi, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 84.

[28]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 136-138; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 152-153.

[29]Ibn Abdi’l-Berr, al-Istiab, Vol. 3, p. 720; Ibn Athir, Usdu’l Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 24.

[30]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 5, p. 449.

[31]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 139; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 246.

[32]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 140-141; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 3, p. 76, 157, 201; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 138.

[33]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 142; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 76, Vol. 4, p. 42; Bukhari, Sahih, Vol. 3, p. 69; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 138.

[34]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 142-143; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 154; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 77, 188; Bukhari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 69; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 138.

[35]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 154.

Chapter 61: The Light They Followed

The Messenger is called a Light because  the first thing which Allah brought forth from the darkness of oblivion with the light of His power...

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