Showing posts with label Statesman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Statesman. Show all posts

Chapter 59 - Mohammad As A Prophet And Reformist.


The life of (Prophet Muhammad) Rasulullah, considered the last prophet by Muslims, has multiple dimensions. The most prominent role is that of a prophet but when we take a deeper look, we find that he was, in fact, a statesman who led his nation to a new political and social level. Of humble origins, Rasulullah founded and promulgated one of the world’s great religions and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, Fourteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive. 

The message of Rasulullah as a prophet was simple. There’s no god but   Allahﷻ and he Rasulullah is the last messenger of God. Denying the number of gods and bowing before only one was an unacceptable proposition for the majority of the tribes and they did everything to stop Rasulullah, but we see that in a little period of time, particularly after migration to Madinah, the message spread and number of Muslims started to rise. This was, perhaps, achieved by the great leadership policies and statesmanship of Rasulullah.

Long before he announced himself as the prophet, he was known as being a trustworthy, honest, and credible person. His supreme wisdom was demonstrated when he prevented a possible war between tribes over fixing the Black Stone at its original place after the Holy Ka’bah was reconstructed. The leader of each tribe wanted to restore the stone to its place and they have made up their minds to fight one another if needed. Rasulullah came up with the solution of putting a Black Stone in the middle of the cloth and asked a representative of each tribe to hold one of the edges of the cloth to bring it to the place and then he himself restored it to the position and prevent deadly bloodshed.

As his message of Islam spread so did his impact as a statesman. On one hand, he led his small number of companions, with very few resources, to different successful combats, and on the other hand, he wrote diplomatic letters to different states. Considering the situation of a small set of people, expelled from their land because of their new religion, the challenges were immense. Rasulullah led his people with vision. The Treaty of Hudaibiyah was one of his significant political decision where he entered the peace treaty with the people of Makkah. It turned out to be one of the most outstanding events in Islamic history. 

Some of the terms of the treaty seemed against Muslims but it was Rasulullahﷺ farsightedness and political awareness that made it possible to have peace between the two cities. Once peace was established, the message of Islam started to spread in different tribes. Rasulullah laid the foundation of the first Islamic state in Madinah. The people of Makkah had already recognized him as the leader of the Madinah state because of the Hudaibiyah treaty. Within the next few years, he was able to conquer Makkah without a single drop of blood.

Before the rise of Islam, Arabs were a place of lawlessness, abductions, and deadly fights, lacking any sort of political system. Rasulullahﷺ introduced the first society based on justice and peace. Consider, for instance, when he was asked to forgive a woman for her theft, he categorically said that if her daughter is caught doing such a deed, she would have to face the same charges. In a matter of a few years, he was able to lay the foundation of a state that served as an example for the model state. 

He, along with strengthening the newly formed society, started diplomatic relations with other states. Rasulullah sent his peace ambassadors to invite countries to join in his mission of creating a society that is based on mutual respect and human dignity. The rapid expansion of this small state to a great world empire shows his vision and wisdom. Rasulullah initiated a movement so strong that it completely transformed the working of Arabs for ages to come.

Rasulullah started his message with the oneness of God, in the light of the Quran, giving rise to a new religion. The hardships he faced when there was no rational logic to be successful against the centuries-old system reflect his belief in his divine message. With his firm commitment and unshakable belief, he was able to redefine the lives of Arabs in the light of rules and regulations that were based on humanity and equality. As a statesman, Rasulullah engaged in the political issues of the time  Rasulullah was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and political levels.

Rasulullah would periodically visit a cave about three miles away from the city of Makkah to pray and meditate and to seek God. It is there that the angel Gabriel supposedly appeared to Rasulullah in the form of a man. Angel Gabriel commanded Rasulullah to recite. Rasulullah refused once, and Angel Gabriel embraced him for quite some time and then again told him to recite. Rasulullah refused, and again and again, Angel Gabriel embraced him. This happened one more time and Rasulullah finally gave in and recited.

Rasulullah was confused as to why this happened and then he noticed that the man had turned into the cosmic form of the angel Gabriel. He was stretched out from one side of the sky to the other and he told Rasulullah that he was the angel Gabriel and that Rasulullah was his messenger. He then left him and Rasulullah was initially concerned that he was possessed by a jinn (demon) and he hated the jinn-possessed poets. This concern was alleviated for him when Angel Gabriel reappeared to him and informed him that he was indeed a messenger of Allahﷻ and that Allahﷻ had sent Gabriel to tell him this. Even with this confirmation, Rasulullah was still incredulous as to what had happened.

Rasulullahﷺ was still confused when he went back to his house and informed his wife (Khadijah رضي الله عنه ) about what happened and asked her what she thought it meant. Khadijah رضي الله عنه said that she believed it was a divine appointment to a prophetic office. Rasulullah readily agreed and was eager to hear his next divine word from Gabriel or from Allahﷻ. Unfortunately for him, he was not going to hear this word for another two years, two years which drove him into the pits of despair and even made him frustrated at times. Finally, after a two-year wait for another revelation, Rasulullah started to get more and more frequent revelations about what he should write down for the Al Quran. 

Sometimes Rasulullah saw the angel Gabriel, sometimes he heard a bell with voices and sometimes he just heard the voice of Allahﷻ. Often times he would foam at the mouth and fall to the ground when he received his revelations. The followers of Rasulullah at the time would write down what Rasulullah dictated to them to write down after he had his visions. The main theme of these visions was that Allahﷻ was the only true God and the way that the Arab people lived should always point to worshipping Him and Him alone. 

This started a whole new way of thinking for Rasulullah and he started to preach what he had learned within his visions. The initial response to his visions was less than pleasant for Rasulullah. His wife, his adopted son, and a merchant named Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه were the few people that actually believed that Rasulullah was a prophet of Allahﷻ and would be able to lead people to follow who they believed was the one true Allahﷻ. This started the process of a long, slow, march to becoming one of the world’s most widespread and well-known religions.

Rasulullah was not exactly the most popular individual with his new belief system. There were many people within the Arab culture that called him names like majnun (possessed), kahin (soothsayer), or magician (Sahir). 

This view has not been taken up by many people though, due to the valid point made that epileptic seizures have not commonly resulted in the foundation of major world religions. The visions that Rasulullah had were dictated to some of his early followers and copied down on whatever they could find that could be written on. The writings were kept for future reference so they could help to dictate what would later become the Qur’an.

The themes of the first revelations that Rasulullah received were easily recorded. Some of these themes included the following:

The benevolence and omnipotence of Allahﷻ, especially as it is manifest in nature; the proper human response to Allahﷻ’s goodness, which is gratitude, submissive worship, and generosity to the poor, the widow, and the orphan; the imminence of the last judgment, both personal and cosmic; the rewards of paradise; the terrors and agonies of hell; and the prophetic call of Rasulullah himself. 

The earth and the heavens will pass away. The sky will be torn, the mountains will be moved, and the moon and the stars will be extinguished. The dead will be raised, gathered, judged, and sent to either paradise or the flames of Hell.

It was writings like these that started intense and heated opposition. One of the main enemies of Rasulullah at this time was a man by the name of Abu Jahl, who is described as being small, red-haired, strong, brutal, despotic, and cunning. Abu Jahl knew that if a man like Rasulullah had the type of influence he could potentially have, he could potentially ruin the life that Abu Jahl knew, a life that involved quite a large sum of money and power for Abu Jahl himself. 

Abu Jahl dedicated himself to making sure that Rasulullah would be opposed at all costs. He did not want Rasulullah to gain a following that would end up changing the world as they knew it at the time. Abu Jahl’s followers joined him in persecuting the followers of RasulullahRasulullah ended up having to use the greater part of his wealth in order to ransom those of his followers who were under their power. The only group of people that protected the Muslims at that time was the Hashimites. 

The rest of the people that were in the near vicinity of the area of Makkah were hostile towards the followers of RasulullahRasulullah was surprised to find out that when he was facing quite a lot of adversity in the initial stages of trying to spread the religion that he believed to be the one true religion. If it was not for the protection of Abu Talib, his uncle, who was the leader of the Hashimites, Rasulullah may not have been able to spread Islam in the manner that he did.

Rasulullah’s first wife Khadijah رضي الله عنه was a confidant, mentor, and huge supporter of the Islamic movement. Due to the fact that Khadijah رضي الله عنه was fifteen years Rasulullah’s senior, Khadijah رضي الله عنه demised before he did. 

Shortly after the death of Khadijah رضي الله عنهRasulullah ended up moving to Madinah with his followers. There were plenty of things that Rasulullah could do in order to help bring the religion of Islam to the area. One of the changes that Rasulullah made to Madinah when he arrived there was he made sure that the people stopped quarreling about who got the best plot of land. Rasulullah made the decisions within the land based upon religious laws, not by any tribal means. 

The people of Madinah viewed him as a wise counselor and excellent judge. During his time in Madinah, Rasulullah not only counseled the tribal people in the land and was their judge; Rasulullah also set up what is called the ummah (brotherhood of Muslims) as well as wrote a Constitution for the city of Madinah. Rasulullah was knowledgeable in how to make an impact in many different ways within a community, including religious, political, and social.

Shortly after the constitution was written and Rasulullah had seen a change in the mentality of the people in Madinah, and they were abiding by the law closer than before, he decided that it was time to make a pilgrimage back to Makkah, which is where he believed the main focus of Islam should be. Rasulullahspent quite a lot of time strategizing on how to attack Makkah in order to have the city for Muslims. Rasulullah then decided to pursue attacking Makkah with a large army in order to conquer it. 

After he got tired of trying to fight the Makkan people, he decided to make a pact with them in order to have peace. It ended up being a ten-year-long peace pact that was broken about a year later when Rasulullah and some of his followers tried to peacefully enter the city and look around. 

The Makkan people attacked some of the Muslims and Rasulullah declared war on them for breaking the pact. Rasulullah brought enough soldiers this time to take over the city of Makkan and forever turn it into a Muslim city that would be important to the Muslims for years to come.

Shortly after Rasulullah led his people into the city of Makkan, he ended up becoming seriously ill Rasulullah spent about three months in the city of Makkan ridding the Ka’aba of the false idols and teaching his followers what they should do as a result. Rasulullah also appointed Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه to be the leader of worship when he was too ill to do so. This move made people believe that Abu Bakr should be his successor when he was demised.

After Rasulullah demised, it was imperative for the Islamic community to have a successor to Rasulullah for the strict purpose of leading the faith. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was the man chosen for this position. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was one of Rasulullah’s first converts and he ended up being one of Rasulullah’s biggest supporters. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was not officially appointed by Rasulullah before his death, but it was assumed by the majority of Muslims that Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه would be the best candidate for the job. 

A large council met after Rasulullah demised (which conveniently met without Rasulullah’s cousin Ali) and named Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه his successor. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was a natural replacement for Rasulullah in leading what was becoming one of the most controversial and quickest-growing religions. Even though Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was the natural replacement for Rasulullah, the choice of selecting him was not made without much deliberation and controversy.

Chapter 61: The Light They Followed

The Messenger is called a Light because  the first thing which Allah brought forth from the darkness of oblivion with the light of His power...

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