“Certainly you have in the Apostle of Kind an excellent exemplar”

(Quran 33;41)

I believe no one could deny that the spiritual advancement of mankind or the perfection of the human soul has from time immemorial been dependent on the instructions of Allah through His Prophets, who bring certain qualities, each of the best and perfect in itself. Allah could have chosen to send angels as instructors, but knowing that for human beings a human being is the best guide and teacher:

 “He raised human beings at a different time to Prophet Hood, to preach His word to mankind”

(Quran 6:8,9)

Muslims believed that Muhammad is the last Prophet, that is to say, after whom another claimant to Prophethood cannot come. This belief is based not only upon the verses of the Quran but also upon actual facts to be met within the life of the Rasulullah.

Teaching and example are essential for a Rasulullah also two further things were most necessary: first that what Rasulullahﷺ teaches should be perfect and complete and sufficient for all time to come. Which also comes with a complete code of morals and teaching to preach to the world.  Secondly, that Rasulullahﷺ himself by his practice should set a perfect example for the guidance of mankind.

The Quran speaks in its earlier revelations of the perfect morals of Rasulullah. For example, it says:

 “ Most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality”

(Quran: 68:4)

Allah also says;

“So he attained completion and he is in the highest part of the horizon”

(Quran: 33:6-7)

The hadiths say: “ I was made Prophet to perfect the highest morals”

Two things were needed to perfect the morals and the Quran says Rasulullahﷺ possessed them. The following will make the statement plainer.  It is easy for a man to be lowly and humble when he is poor, but these qualities can only be said to manifest themselves in perfection when he continues humbly after he has become great and powerful. 

Or let us take the case of charity. A person who is poor can also be charitable after attaining wealth, by spending freely on charities. This will mean that he has shown the quality of charitableness to perfection. The same is true of forgiveness; when a man has not the power to punish one who harms him, he is compelled of necessity to overlook the offense and forgive as the safest course: but the completeness of the quality is seen in a person who is powerful and well able to deal harshly with offenders, but forgives freely those who have done their utmost to harm him.

There have been cases when a person has been perfect in one moral quality only to such an extent that other qualities have eclipsed thereby, for example, a man may become so charitable and forgiving as to lose the quality of being just. This height of perfection in the Holy Rasulullahﷺ is an accepted fact such as even an enemy cannot deny or refute. The presence of all the moral qualities postulates that a person to display them must have passed through every sort and condition of experience in the course of his life, and not even hardened critics can deny such was the case with Rasulullah Rasulullah  was the only Rasulullahﷺ who followed all the principles he preached to others... 

Every ordinance in the Quran he himself obeyed. Rasulullah is the one and true example of this rule, that what a teaches to the world, he must practice himself. We often have to listen to sermons and lectures by persons who do have not the faintest intention of practicing what they preach. Mere lip-teaching does prove that a person possesses moral virtues. He must first convert his words into action as did the Islamic prophet who taught the world patience and forbearance because he himself faced the hardest trial of life. A child was born after the death of his father.  His mother died within the next few years. Rasulullah spends his childhood life of innocent and perfection.

 At maturity, he held all desires of the flesh at bay. From his birth to his demise, he passed through many difficult ordeals. At every step, he was tried but was never found wanting. When he proclaimed his mission as a Prophet, it proved one of the hardest trials of all. The whole nation turned against him. Rasulullah was absolutely alone and helpless. The perfection of helplessness is seen in the event known as “Hijrah”, when alone, save for a single friend, he had to leave his native town of Makkah. 

When he hid in the cave and escaped to Madinah, where his helper and associate and the Jews entered into treaty relations. Then came the tortures days of the war; on all sides, the Arabs gathered to kill him but in the end, Rasulullah prevailed over them and became their king.  In Madinah, he was King, Judge. Magistrate, general, peacemaker, and lawgiver, and in all these capacities he was perfect.

Again, let us emphasize that the great thing to remember is that all moral qualities are of the highest degree of perfection. Rasulullah knew not what is it to be avaricious; even his enemies admit that all his life though he had no desire for wealth.  It had no value for him. Once the Quraish offered him all the wealth in the land, but he refuses even to consider the offer. Even after Rasulullah becomes the leader of an Islamic state and a rightful owner of a government, he cares nothing for it and continues to live the same life of poverty in solitude.

The holy Rasulullah expressed this quality in still greater perfection by living a life of poverty in solitude.

The Quality of forgiveness is expressed in perfection making no distinction between friend and enemy. When it came to forgiving he forgave all. In the battle of Uhud, certain Muslims failed to obey his instruction, with disastrous results, but the holy Rasulullah did not do court-martial or even reprimanded them. Rasulullah simply forgave them. His example of forgiving enemies takes his sublimes form on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah. The Makkans had been bitterest enemies since the day he was raised to Prophet Hood. 

They did all in their power to crush Islam. Many times attempted to kill Rasulullah. However, when Rasulullah entered Makkah as a conqueror, forgave the chiefs when presented as captives a general amnesty. Arabia lay at his feet and Makkah was at his mercy. Rasulullah could have beheaded everyone had he wished to and he would have been justified in doing so. Though they have been his greatest enemies and most cruel of tormenters. But, unlike many Hebrew Prophets, who severely punished their enemies for lesser offenses. The Holy Rasulullah freely forgave them. When they were all standing humble before him, awaiting punishments he said to them:

“There shall be no reproach against you, you are free”

The Arab chief; Utbah had been one of the greatest of the offenders and the chief instigator of cruel persecution to which Rasulullah and his companions had been subjected, for many years. Utbah’s daughter, Hindun, was a great enemy of Rasulullah as her father. Once in hatred, she chews the liver of  Saiyidina Hamzah ibn Abd Muttalib, Rasulullah’s uncle, when he was slain in battle; later, when she was obliged to come before Rasulullah she covered her face with a veil so that Holy Rasulullah might not recognize her. 

Surprisingly the holy Rasulullah single her out at once and forgave her. Abu Sufyan was another who had done his best to harm the Holy Rasulullah was so afraid that would send others to intercede for him, but the dear Rasulullah bade him have no fear and not only forgave him but declared that anyone who took refuge in his house would be safe.  

At the of Makkah another enemy of holy Rasulullahﷺ, Habbar Ibnu ‘l-Aswad, who was responsible for the death of the daughter of Rasulullahﷺ, was about to escape from Makkah to Persia. However, knowing the compassionate nature of the enemy he decided to throw himself on his mercy. Approaching Rasulullahﷺ he confessed his wrongs and prayed for mercy. Rasulullahﷺ freely forgave him. These instances stated above and many others, prove that Rasulullahﷺ expressed the quality of forgiveness to perfection.

In Rasulullahﷺ are found the perfection of all qualities and morals. With lowliness and humility he was brave, so brave that with his companions lying dead around Rasulullahﷺ, he prayed to Allah SWT to guide the enemy to the right path. His example of justice set by him is equally high. Once there was a dispute between a Jew and a Muslim, and on hearing the case he gave the just judgment, which is in favor of the Jew.

Rasulullahﷺ reliance on Allah SWT was such that he never concerned himself about personal safety, but at the same time, his caution never relaxed, and on the slightest news of trouble, he would always send men at once to deal with it. So intense was the love of Allah SWT that he would spend whole nights standing in Prayer before Allah SWT. Rasulullahﷺ had the well-being of others so much at his heart that often he used to do the marketing for the old and feeble.

The study of his life reveals that all these qualities and morals were combined in him to the highest degree of perfection. Thus, Rasulullahﷺ becomes the sole exemplar for all generations to come.

Chapter 5 - Heavenly Divine Call


Heavenly  Divine Call

(611 A.C)

    “Read in the name of your Lord, He created the man from a clot. Read and your Lord is most honorable. Who taught to write with the pen, taught man what he knew not”

(The Quran 96: 1:4)

Not long before he attained the age of forty, Muhammad began to see visions, most of them while in the cave of Hira, and during this time he became more and more reserved and spent many solitary hours in deep meditation. He retired more frequently than ever to the cave of Hira, where he would spend days and nights in prayer, and contemplation. 

On a certain night during the month of Ramadhan, an angel appeared to him with a scroll, saying “Read this” Muhammad said, “I do not know how to read.” The angel embraced him and again asked him to read. Three times the request was repeated and each time Rasulullahﷺ cried, “I do not know how to read.” The angel then read out the verses and assured Rasulullah  that although he was unable to read, if he attempted it in the name of Allah he would succeed.

At this moment of time, Rasulullahﷺ was made aware that he was chosen to be the Reformer of the World, Sometime elapse before a second visit. Some say it was a period of two to three years, but the version narrated by Ibnu Abbas ra, who states it was only for a short period, is more to be reliable according to historical evidence.

It was a huge and staggering kind of responsibility, but Muhammad did not fear nor lose heart. When Allah commanded Moses to reform a nation, he was not able to do it by himself and despair cried to Allah, “Give me a helper”.

But Rasulullahﷺ despaired not, nor asked for a helper. Rasulullahﷺ relied only on the help of Allah SWT, to assist him in this great task. After the first appearance of the angel in the cave of Hira, when it was made known to Rasulullahﷺ that he was to be the world Reformer, some time elapsed before a second visit. Some say it was a period of two or three years, but the version of Ibnu Abbas, who states it was only a short period, is more to be relied on according to historical evidence.

No ordinary human being can ever know the strange phenomenon of divine Inspiration, during which the whole body is possessed by Divine Power. When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Rasulullahﷺfirst underwent this experience he perspired profusely, his whole body became heavy, his limb turned icy cold and he trembled from head to foot. Shivering and shaking he went home and his wife Saidatuna Khadijah ra wrapped him up, and he told her what happened, she implored him not to fear and assured him, that Allah Rabbul Jalalluh will never let him see the humiliation of failure. 

Verily you show due regard for blood ties, carry the burden of the infirm, practice virtues that are absolutely extinct, entertain guests and stand by what is righteous in the face of calamities. “Rasulullahﷺ received Divine Inspiration many times, and each time it was accompanied by the same sensations – profuse perspiration, and heaviness of the whole body.

Chapter 4 - The first 40 years of Muhammad’s life.


Youth and the first 40 years of Muhammad’s life.

“I have lived a lifetime among you before it”

(Quran  10:16)

The Events that Took Place Before the Assignment of Prophethood.

Here we retell some examples mentioned in trustable sources out of the many wondrous incidences that happened before and during the Prophet’s birth in relation to his coming to the world as well as events that took place before he was appointed as a prophet during his childhood and youth.

1)  At the night when Muhammad was born, both his mother and those with her, the mother of Uthman Ibn As and the mother of Abdurrahman Ibn Awf, saw a great light about which they all said: “We saw such a light during his birth that this light illuminated for us the east and the west.” 

2)  That night, most of the idols in the Kaaba were turned over. 

3)  The famous palace of Chosroes, the king of Persia at that time, quaked and was damaged on the night the Prophet was born and its fourteen towers collapsed. 

4) The Lake of Sawa, which was deemed holy by Zoroastrians, sank into the ground on the night the Prophet was born. 

5)  The fire that had been kept ablaze for a thousand years in Istahrabad and that was worshipped by Zoroastrians went out on the night of the Prophet’s birth. 

As the events we have mentioned above point out, the person that had just come to the Earth (PBUH) would abolish fire worshipping, demolish the palace of the Persians, and forbid sanctifying things without Allah’s permission.

6) The famous event of the Elephant happened fifty-two days before the Prophet’s birth and was the reason for the revelation of the Chapter of Al-Fil in the Qur’an. In order to destroy the Kaabah, Abraha, the governor of Yemen, which was part of the Kingdom of Abyssinia, set out for Mecca with a great elephant called Mahmud at the front. When they got closer to Mecca, the elephant could no longer walk. They could not make it walk. Afterward, the birds of ‘Ababil rained stones on the army and swept them away. This event is well-known and it is elaborated in history books. It is one of the proofs of Muhammad’s prophethood (PBUH). This is because close to his birth, his beloved hometown, and the direction he turns to, the holy Kaaba in Mecca, was saved from Abraha’s destruction in a wondrous and miraculous way. 

7)  As is narrated by Halimatun Saadiah, the Prophet’s nursing mother, and her husband, while Allah’s Messenger was with his nursing mother in his childhood, they saw that many times a patch of cloud made a shade for the Prophet so that he would not be disturbed by the sun. They told that event to others and it became trustable and known by many people.

8)Furthermore, when he was en route for Damascus at the age of twelve, with Priest Bakhira’s words, he saw a patch of cloud make a shade for Allah’s Messenger and showed it to others in the caravan.

9)Again before the duty of prophethood was assigned, when Allah’s Messenger came back from business together with Khadijah’s servant Maysara, Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) saw two angels above the Prophet’s head making a shade like a cloud. She told it to Maysara, who replied: “I saw the same thing during the whole journey.” 

10)Asis recounted in trustable sources, before the duty of prophethood was assigned, Allah’s Messenger once sat under a tree. Though the ground was dry and barren before he sat, it became green. The branches of the tree bent above his head and made him a shade. 

11)After his mother’s death (SaiyidahAminah), Allah’s Messenger first stayed with his grandfather, and when his grandfather died, he started staying with his uncle Abu Talib. During meals, if Abu Talib and his children ate with the Prophet, they would be full up. Whenever he was absent in the meal, they would not be full. That event is both renowned and trustable. 

12)Ummu Ayman, his nanny who looked after him in his childhood, said: “Never did Allah’s Messenger complain about hunger or thirst. Neither in his childhood nor when he was an adult…” 

13) Starting from the time he went to her nursing mother Halima and during the time he stayed with her, her property and her goats’ milk increased much in contrast to the others in her tribe. Those events are also both well-known and there is no doubt about their truth. 

14)Flies would not disturb the Prophet by perching on his blessed body or clothes. Furthermore, in some sources, it is stated that Sayyid Abdulqadir Gilani, coming from the Prophet’s descent, had the same quality of not being disturbed by flies. 

15)After Allah’s Messenger honored the world, especially on the night of his birth, there was an increase in star-fallings. This is a sign that devils and jinn were forbidden to eavesdrop on the unknown in the heavens. As the Prophet came with revelation from Allah, surely it was necessary to block the flimsy news of the unknown given by oracles and jinn mixed with lies and fabrication so that no doubt would be cast on the revelation and what they told would not resemble it. Indeed, soothsaying was quite common before the prophethood was given. After the Qur’an was revealed, the Quran put an end to it. Furthermore, many oracles grasped belief, as their heralds among jinn could not carry out their duty after the Qur’an was revealed, and thus the oracles had no source anymore.

Muhammad nurtured in a pure environment of Bani Saadah

In conclusion: Before his prophethood, there were many events that attested to the cause of Allah’s Messenger and that showed that he would be the Prophet. Such a person as him, would

  •     spiritually lead the world [18],

  •     change the spiritual shape of the world,

  •     make the world a field for the hereafter,

  •     proclaim the values of the world’s creatures,

  •     guide the jinn and humanity to eternal bliss,

  •     save the mortals by explaining the true nature of death which appears to be an eternal death sentence,

  •     solve the mysteries intriguing the whole of humanity by expounding the wisdom behind the creation of the world,

  •     know and get others to know the aims of the Creator of the Universe, and by knowing that Creator, make Him known by others.

Obviously, even before such a person came to the world, everything, every sort of creature and living being would look forward to his coming, yearn to welcome him, applaud his coming and let others know if their Creator informs them. As is seen in the examples given above and in other sections, every kind of creature shows his miracles in the best fashion and attests to his cause of prophethood with the tongues of miracles.

A notable circumstance touching the youth time of Rasulullah  is to be found in the fact that although his guardians soon took the utmost care in his upbringing, the question of education passed over entirely. These are no fault of theirs and they cannot be blamed for it. For it was not the custom in those days among those people to educate one’s children. 

Especially these are true within the upper class. The Quraish for example regarded reading and writing as tasks for menials only. It was, therefore, a great wonder to the world when it came to realize later the enormous depth of learning, scholarship, and philosophy to which Rasulullah ﷺ had obtained.  According to the custom of the day, Rasulullah ﷺ learned the business and visited all places with which Arabs had business relations. 

Even at an early age his integrity and truthfulness won him fame in Makkah and soon earned the title “Al Amin” (The Trustworthy). Anyone who had dealings with him in any connection always spoke of him with praise and respect.  It is said that once when the Sacred House of Makkah was to be reconstructed, the Quraish undertook to do the work, but presently a dispute arose as to who should be given the privilege of laying the “Black Stone” (Hajar Aswad). 

Probably his could have ended in an inter-tribal feud and general bloodshed – such being the spirit of the age- had not an old man advised them to refer the whole matter to an arbitrator. Whoever, he said should be the first to enter or appear at the Kaabah, the next day should act as a judge and settle the dispute. This was agreed to, and on the morrow and through the satisfaction of all it was Muhammad who was the first to appear and all welcomed him with one voice, exclaiming, “Here is the trustworthy: “Here is the trustworthy!! Here is the trustworthy!!. Muhammad's (Rasulullah ﷺ) great tact and understanding of the situation soon settled the dispute and all ended peacefully.

In appearance, Muhammad was pleasant yet imposing. He was of medium height and build. He had a large head and a round face, and his forehead was broad. He has dark eyes and is full of light with long lashes. His beard was dark and thick and his body with the fair in color. His whole appearance was comely and attractive. His bearing was dignified and his manners charming. So charming that he won the hearts of all with whom he came in contact. Visitors were always impressed by his personal charm. Everyone loved and admired him because of these sterling personal qualities.

The world says, Religion and morality the major essence of purity of life may not be within the duration of a youthful age. Where being youthful fulfill the urge towards all form of vices and diversion from the real purpose of life. But, Rasulullah ﷺ the best of creation of Allah, having the strongest character is he who shall pass an unimpeachable and crystal life even amid the temptations and follies of youth.

A just man bows his head in reverence when he studies the youth of Rasulullah ﷺ. His youth was perfect, sinless, and shining. I do not think any other such example can be found in the annals of the world. Fourteen hundred years ago, during the youth of Rasulullah ﷺ, ignorance and crime were in Arabia as righteousness and peace elsewhere. The people were debauchees and adulterers. Prostitution was the fashion of the day. Rape, seduction, and fornication were common while wine was the ordinary drink of the people.  

There were brothels and bars without numbers. For the Arabs were a proud race, proud even with sins. Boasting that they led immoral and shameful lives.  In such surroundings and amongst such people to keep one’s youth pure and perfect is an achievement a little short of miraculous. Every day of his youth of Muhammad is displayed before the world in much detail as are the latter days of his life. 

There is no one, even his greatest enemy, who can say that the youth of Muhammad was not good and pure. He kept himself aloof from all undesirable people and functions; he had very few friends, being of a reserved and contemplative nature. Few followed his teachings and later on became Muslim. While other young men spent their youthful age in vices. Muhammad is seeking only ways and means to save Arabia from the pitiable state into which it had fallen.

When Muhammad was twenty-five years of age, a rich widow Khadijah by name entrusted him with the management of her business. Muhammad(Rasulullah ﷺ) is known for his honesty in managing any business dealing entrusted to him. Khadijah begged him to marry her. Muhammad (Rasulullah ﷺ) did not give her any immediate answer but first went to his uncle Abu Talib to obtain his consent. Muhammad was given consent by his beloved uncle. 

When Muhammad married her he was, has been said a twenty-five years man and she was forty years of age. The marriage is indeed a happy union, being blessed with four daughters and a son. Khadijah was a great help and comfort to Muhammad. Muhammad's (Rasulullah ﷺ) devotion to her with true love and sincerity; where she willingly shares her wealth for charitable activity.

At the time of his call for prophethood, he was very depressed and weighed down with responsibility, fearing that he would not be able to fulfill the task. A task that is very significant to change the whole beings of the universe to only worship Allah the one and only god.  Khadijah cheered him with such words as:

 “God will never let thee see the humiliation of failures …” and the like.

All who came in contact with Rasulullah ﷺ were devoted to his call; Rasulullah ﷺ showed great kindness and sympathy to the poor and helpless. He showed his kindness to the orphans and widows. Always do his utmost to help them. The slaves loved him and would rather remain to be a slave to him, rather be freed.  Muhammad was kind and loving to all. He abhorred fighting and bloodshed. At the “Battle of “Fijar”, he did nothing more than help his uncle by supplying him with arrows from time to time. From his very childhood, he detested idol-worshipping. During his youth, he often when to the cave “Hira” and prayed for hours to God to pity the fallen state of the Arabs and show them the way to the right path.

Muhammad (Rasulullah ﷺ) was forty years of age when the messenger of Allah SWT came to him to reveal the Word of Allah SWT and announce that he was the chosen Prophet of Allah SWT.



Chapter 2 - Birth of Prophet Muhammad

 Chapter 2

Prophet Muhammad is born (12 Rabi’ al-Awwal 53 AH /

17 June 569, a Monday, or 9 Rabi’ al-Awwal 51 AH/20 April 571, a Monday) 

From time to time, both before and after Abraham, Allah Rabbul Jalalluh had raised up prophets in the world – different prophets for different nations; for in those days the nations dwells in complete isolation, one from another – modern conveniences of transport and communication being then unknown – but when, in the infinite Wisdom of God, the time was ripe for merging all religious systems into one, under a single and universal brotherhood, Allah Rabbul Jalalluh, as promised through the prophecies of the former prophets raised up the World Prophet Muhammad.

The Quran teaches us that the advent of the World Prophet was foretold by all the prophets, and so that people might not be mistaken, it was said that the promised one should bear testimony to the truth of all the prophets, as the following verse of the Quran shows;

وَلَا يَأْمُرَكُمْ أَن تَتَّخِذُوا۟ ٱلْمَلَـٰٓئِكَةَ وَٱلنَّبِيِّـۧنَ أَرْبَابًا ۗ أَيَأْمُرُكُم بِٱلْكُفْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ أَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ ٨٠

“And when Allah made a covenant through the prophets; certainly what I have given you of Book and wisdom – then an apostle comes to you verifying that which is with you, you must believe in him and you must aid him.” 


That the holy  Rasulullahﷺ testified to all the previous prophets is shown by the fact that he has made a belief in them an essential of his faith. The definition of a faithful, accordingly, as given in the Quran, runs as follows;

وَٱلَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ وَبِٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ هُمْ يُوقِنُونَ ٤

“And who believe is that which has been revealed before you, and they are sure of the hereafter” 


The Israelites and the Ishmaelites are from the common progenitor, Abraham. In His promise to Abraham, God has clearly said that from among both Israelites and Ishmaelites, prophets will be raised up. The Quran makes mention of this, and the Old Testament also records a promise to the same effect:

“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great, and thou shall be a blessing” 

(Gen 12:2)

There is, moreover, a reference in the same book to Ishmael :

“And as for Ishmael, I have heard, Behold I have blessed him and will make him faithful, and will multiply him exceedingly “ 

(Gen: 17:20)

Mosses uttered another prophecy from God touching the advent of the Prophet Muhammad:

“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put MY words into his mouth” 

(Deut: 18:18)

Here are two references that apply solely  to Rasulullahﷺ, the first:

“From among their brethren “  which means that the one Prophet would be raised from among the brethren of the Israelites, i.e Ishmaelite, and the second :

“like unto thee” which means that he should be a lawgiver like Mosses and they have been no prophet. save only the Prophet Muhammad who has been also a lawgiver. Our assertion is further borne out by the conversation between John the Baptist and those who ask him,

“What art thou”  And he confessed  “ I am not the Christ” and they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he said “ I am not” “Art thou that prophet?

He answered: “No” (John 1 -19-20)

The reference to “that prophet” clearly shows that the people were waiting for the advent of three prophets. First – Elias, who they thought would re-appear in person: second, Jesus and thirdly “that Prophet” clearly points to the holy Prophet of Islam, for the first two, according to the Israelite scriptures, had been fulfilled in the person of John and Jesus.

There are many other prophecies by the Israelites' prophets, such as David, Solomon, etc. as well as that by Jesus, the last of the Israelites, which runs “ If he loves me, keep any commandments, and  I will pray to the Father and He shall give you another comfRasulullah ﷺorter, that he may abide with you forever; even the spirit of truth 

(John 14: 15-17).

This in clear terms the advent of another prophet after Jesus, and the words, “that he may abide with you forever” indicate that there would be no other prophets after the promised one.

This is true only of the holy Rasulullahﷺ for in the Quran he is termed “The last of the Prophets.”

Ishmael, the eldest son of Abraham, had twelve sons. One of them, Kedar, settled in the Arabian province of Hijaz where his progeny spread, as is borne out even on the authority of the Old Testament. It is also proved that ‘Adnan, to whom the genealogy of  Rasulullahﷺ was traced, was of the offspring of Ishmael. In the ninth generation from Adnan is Nazir bin Kinana, who founded the dynasty of Quraish further down the lineage is Qusay, to whom was entrusted guardianship of the Kaabah, an office of high honor in Arabia. 

Thus the dynasty to which  Rasulullahﷺ belonged was one of the highest in honor, respect, and nobility. Abdul Mutalib, the grandfather of  Rasulullahﷺ, had ten sons, of whom one was Abdullah, the father of Rasulullahﷺ, and Abdullah the father of the holy Rasulullahﷺ. Abdullah married Aminah, a lady of another reputable family. The Holy Rasulullahﷺ never knew or saw his father, for shortly after his parent were married, Abdullah went on a commercial journey to Syria (Syam), and on his way back he was taken seriously ill and died at Madinah (Yathrib).  Unfortunately, his mother also died when he was only six years old, and so at this tender age, he was deprived of the care of both parents.

The following illustration is the line of descent of Rasulullah ﷺ.

Rasulullahﷺ was born on a Monday, the 12th day of Rabiul Awal (April 571 A.C). It was in the vision that his mother received the joyful tidings that she was to give birth to a prophet. When he was born there were the usual signs that indicate that a prophet is born, and the most significant event worthy of mentioning is heavy rainfall at a more regular time, with the disappearance of famine. Another magnificent event was the destruction of the army of the Christian Byzantium, led by the Chief of Yemen Abraham Al Ashram from the Southernmost region of the Arabian or Hijaz peninsula. 

They had marched to Makkah o demolish the Kaabah so that the great church he had built in his capital Sana'a will become the center of piousness instead. The whole army encamped outside Makkah later was attacked by a plague of a virulent form of “smallpox” which caused great calamity for them where the major portion of the force was destroyed. The remaining of them took to flight in total confusion as mentioned in the Holy Al Quran:

“Hast thou not considered how thy Allah dealt with the possessor s of elephant? Did He not cause their war to end in confusion, and sent flocks of birds to prey on them, upon them, casting them with hard heated stone”

 Thus, Allah said,

﴿ أَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصۡحَـٰبِ ٱلۡفِيلِ • أَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡ كَيۡدَهُمۡ فِى تَضۡلِيلٍ۬ • وَأَرۡسَلَ عَلَيۡہِمۡ طَيۡرًا أَبَابِيلَ • تَرۡمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ۬ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ۬ • فَجَعَلَهُمۡ كَعَصۡفٍ۬ مَّأۡڪُولِۭ ﴾

(Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the Owners of the Elephant Did He not make their plot go astray and He sent against them birds, in flocks (Ababil). Striking them with stones of Sijjil. And He made them like `Asf, Ma'kul.)

 According to the custom of the Arab gentry, mothers did not suckle their babies, so Rasulullahﷺ was handed over to Halimatun Saqdiah, a nurse of the tribe of Bani Sa’ad. Two years later Halima brought him back to his mother, but Amina asked her to resume her charge, as Makkah at that time was stricken with the epidemic. Thus he remained in the charge of Halimatun Saqdiah until the age of six.

Although but a child, those few years spent in rural surroundings did much to mold his character; for the calm atmosphere and the natural environment made him realize the presence of the Supreme Being. Who rules over and controls all. So at the age of six, when he returned to his mother after a long, soon afterward she died on her way to Madinah whither she was going to visit the grave of her husband.

Muhammad was then cared for by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, but he died two years later. Then at the age of eight, his guardianship passed to his uncle Abu Talib, the uncle and the nephew soon became so greatly attached to each other that it became impossible for Abu Talib to go anywhere, even on a commercial journey, without taking Muhammad with him. People were greatly impressed by his ways and manners. Once while traveling with his uncle they met a Christian ascetic, Bahira who beholding the boy saw in him the marks of greatness and foretold that one day he would be a prophet.


 In the red circle is the location of birth (Rasulullah ﷺ)



(For Illustration only): The Early Spread of Islam into new Muslim Nation

“Corruption appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men had wrought”

(Al Quran 30:41)

    "Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful."      
(Al Quran 9: 128)

Firstly, this chapter will focus on two aspects of  Muslim reforms, however, do not overlook the supreme purpose brought by   Rasulullahﷺ to reinstate and revitalize the pure and true faith- Islam. The same truth, the one and only worthy of Worship Allah Rabul Jalalluh, the religion and the way of living life since Prophet Adam AS.

The two reforms on the old laws of Society had been promulgated by different Prophets from the time of Prophet Adam AS. The two reforms - are the Muslim Laws of Marriage and Divorce and the Muslim Sharia Laws.
In addition to the Quran and sunnah, the classical theory of Sunni fiqh recognizes two other sources of law: juristic consensus (ijmaʿ) and analogical reasoning (qiyas).

Muhammad, Rasulullah, was born and grew to manhood in Arabia, a land at that time considered beyond redemption, and in something like twenty years not only had he made of the Arabs a people of outstanding excellence both in manner and men, but he had fired them with a zeal that carried them to many lands and climes. Wherever they went they revolutionized thought and life, working a change whereof the results are seen today in the greatness of many nations. To appreciate rightly the power of the teaching of the Prophets and the miracle which they have wrought it is necessary to describe Arab and Arabia in the days before Islam.

The condition of affairs in Arabia, of the Arabs and Arabia, and of the Arabs before the advent of Rasulullah was calamitous. The whole land was plunged into a sea of ignorance and darkness, Justice and Truth the two fundamentals of civilized life, were unknown. Morality was at its lowest ebb. Religion was at the lowest depth. The lives of the people were a little than those of the beast, and the finer qualities inherent in man were dead.

Some redeeming points there still might be, hospitality, bravery, generosity, manliness, and tribal fidelity were some of the noble traits in their character. ; But what were those few virtues in comparison with the general life of corruption and brutality that they were leading.  These few good qualities were easily drowned in an extravagance of sin, free and open indulgences in adultery gambling, drinking, highway robbery uncleanness, and every kind of abomination. Not only, moreover, were these vices indulged in, but they were actually praised and made the themes of the poet’s songs. In place of the One True God, Invisible, Incomprehensible, they worshipped gods and goddesses made of stone.  

There were about 360 such deities in all; the belief being that to each one God had delegated the discharge of certain of His functions. For everything they desired they turned to these idols, invoking their help and blessing, and in addition, they regarded the sun, the moon, the stars, and the air all as gods worshipping them and believing them to be controllers of their destinies.  These people had fallen so low as even to worship stones, mud, and trees; before any shapely of stone on their way they would prostrate themselves. Even men of wealth and fame were considered beings worthy of worship and adoration, while their lives were fettered in vain superstitious. 

Before going on a journey they would first secure four roughly hewn stones, three to cook on and one to worship. If they were unable to take four, three would suffice, and at a halt, after cooking they would take out one and worship it before continuing their travel. Their heathenism had reached such a pitch that the Kaabah, The house of God, which was reconstructed by Abraham, for the worship of the One Almighty God Allah Rabbul Jalil, become a depository for their idols.

They divided themselves into clans, and in the clans, the family had their own beliefs and customs, and each family had its own idols in the house. In times of sickness and famine, they would prostrate themselves before the idols, offering up cattle. Grain, and the like in return for their help. But although idolatry had obtained such a firm hold on the Arabs in general, there were frankly atheists who believed in no religion at all and make a mock of the idolaters. There were few who practiced religions such as Christianity and the Jews faith. The followers of the said religion believed in the book and in the prophets Sheesh bin Adam and Idris. They said prayers seven times a day and did half a month’s fasting in a year. They also believed in the worship of planets. The followers of the Abrahamic religion were also polytheists, circumcised, sacrificed, and grew beards among the essentials of their creed.

They have their own idols in the Kaabah, including an image of Abraham and one of his sons Ismail. The Idol of Ismail had seven arrows in his hand, and each arrow had a different name and was there for a different purpose. The Jews have become idolaters and had their idols in the Kaabah also. The Christians too had made an idol of the Virgin Mary (Maryam) with the child Jesus (Nabi Isa AS) in her lap, and that also was placed in the Kaabah.

In fact, all the different religions then prevalent among the Arabs believed in the worship of idols, and the Kaabah was full of them, some belonging only to certain of the big clans, while others were for the worship of all.

Hubal was considered the greatest of all idols, and its power extended over the rains, riches, and the general good. Dawar was an idol worshipped by only young women. The house of God that has been built for the worship of One True God had thus become a great temple packed with idols: for the Arabs believed that everything could be obtained through the intercession of idols and that these idols would save their souls and send them to Heaven


As for the social condition of the Arabs, it was everywhere as bad as the religious. The various clans and families were always at war with one another. Anger and hatred were the chief characteristics, and revenge was their main life force. Fighting and the shedding of blood over trifles were the commonplaces of their existence. They were ignorant of every social principle and did not know what it was to lead a peaceful and settled life. They wandered from place to place with their cattle, halting when and where they chose.  A few settled in villages and towns, but wherever they were there was constant fighting and bloodshed. Above all, there was no central government to enforce law and order. 

The whole of Arabia was divided into little states and each state or clan was a separate political unit, with its own chief who whenever he thought proper would lead it to battle against another clan. There were indeed a few provincial governments, but these were too weak to enforce justice. When not fighting, “Wine, Women and Song” represented the summit of their ambitions, while gambling was their chief or major intellectual occupation.  This was a daily pastime and the very few who did not indulge in its object of derision. As to drink, it was as great a vice as gambling. Intoxicating liquors flowed like water in nearly every household. And there was not a dwelling without its goodly reserve of wine jars.

Women in those days were considered mere chattels – things scarcely human. It was this low esteem in which they were held that established the custom of infanticide in many tribes, it brings reckoned a disgrace and ignominy for a man to have a daughter. Those girls who by any chance escaped death at birth were cruelly treated. When they grew up they make to work like beasts of burden and were regarded as being without a soul, the slave tolerable, by enforcing the same treatment for him as for a member of the family. The Islamic brotherhood which the teachings of Rasulullah brought into doing away with all social inequalities’ between man and man, and man and woman.  

He taught them to treat slaves with kindness and love and made the manumission of a slave a meritorious deed. He insisted that no free person should be forced to be made a slave and should be treated as a member of the family and granted them freedom gradually. The Holy Prophet made it an obligation on the part of the Islamic government to budget annually for the allocation of a certain percentage of the revenues to the purpose of the liberation of the slave, by paying the ransom from the government exchequer.

Rasulullah removes all misconceptions about women. He taught the Arabs to regard them as friends and companions and to be kind and loving to them.

He said: “A person who does not show kindness should not expect kindness from Allah.” He taught them to regard infanticide as abominable and most displeasing to Allah, and thus it soon came to an end.

Rasulullah had great regard for the right of women; since the passing away from the matriarchal form of society women were, for the first time, emancipated by Rasulullah. He showed by his example the love, care, and respect that was due to them, and so women once deemed the lowest of the low were raised up to a position of great dignity.

As has been shown, all this was achieved by the holy Rasulullah in face of the greatest difficulties in but a few years. Is this not enough to convince all that he was the greatest of Reformers and the most perfect of mankind?

Chapter 61: The Light They Followed

The Messenger is called a Light because  the first thing which Allah brought forth from the darkness of oblivion with the light of His power...

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