Chapter 22 -The Fall of Khaybar - Bani Nadir

 Chapter 21

The Fall of Khaybar.

(628-629 A.C)

“Surely deep hatred has already appeared from out of their mouth
 and what their breasts conceal is greater still.”

(Quran 3:17)

 The previous chapters signify problems and tribulations from the Jews communities residing in Madinah. The continuous provocative nature, uncalled behaviors, and deep hatred towards Muslims go on without halting. Despite all the efforts to ensure harmony amongst the inhabitants of Madinah, the Jews from various tribes continue to disrupt and care-less towards “the charter of Madinah.” On numerous occasions, being repulsed and checked in their efforts to harm Islam.

Banu Qurayza went into exile for choice and settled in at Khaybar. The words Khaybar are also known as “Fort,” and the town was so-called because it was studded with fortresses. The most important of which, Al Qamus, was supposed to be both inaccessible and impregnable. Although, the Banu Qurayza had settled down in this remote place the Jews did not desist from their machinations to bring harm and atrocities to Islam.  The two clans, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza on their arrival at Khaybar found strong allies in the Jews of Khaybar, and altogether set to work to devise means for the destruction of Islam. 

The Jews in Khaybar had relations with the neighboring Bedouins and other tribes, and they succeeded in forming a coalition for the purpose of expunging Islam and the Muslims. Their hatred incited them, after the “Truce of Hudaybiyah,” to accelerate their efforts against Islam. ‘Abdullah bin Ubay, the chief of Hypocrites, was in secret league with them, keeping them informed of the movement of the Muslims. Now the “Treaty of Hudaybiyah” led them to think that the Muslims were weak. They imagined that their acceptance of such humiliating terms could be due to nothing but weakness, which led them to imagine that they could at last gain their long-desired victory. They, therefore, got in touch with all tribes who had agreed to help them in their fight against the Muslims, asking them to prepare to march on Madinah.

In the meantime, Rasulullah came to know of their schemes, and after having had the intelligence confirmed at once sent an army of sixteen hundred people to advance on Khaybar. This was all he could raise in the short time at their disposal. Besides, he had to move swiftly lest the Jews should seize the chance of advancing on Madinah itself. At Raji’ between Khaybar and Madinah, Rasulullah halted, leaving a guard to watch the route with orders not to let the neighboring tribes go to help the Jews. The Ghatafan, whose help was checked, thanked their stars and kept quiet; for they had no desire to fight the Muslims and court defeat. Rasulullah then continued his march towards Khaybar, thinking that the news of the blockade might dissuade the Jews from offering resistance. But on reaching Khaybar he found them prepared and ready for battle. 

They had strengthened all the fortresses, including the impregnable Al- Qamus. The Muslims had no difficulty in capturing the smaller fortresses, each, in turn, falling easily. But when they reached Al- Qamus, they found themselves faced with much harder to deal with. For twenty days they tried to carry it by assault, and each day they had returned unsuccessful. The Muslims had, because of the loss of many men, become dispirited. Only Rasulullah was hopeful; for he knew that the Muslims would be in the end succeed. When they all went to complain to him about their successive failure, he consoled them and told them that next day he would give the standard and the command to the person who was dear to Allah Rabbul Jalalluh, and to whom Allah was dearer, and that person would succeed in taking Al-Qamus. 

That night was a night of eager expectation and prayers for the Muslims; for each one of them prayed hard that the honor should be his. The next morning they hurried to Rasulullah, each hoping that he would be the chosen one. After all, were assembled Rasulullah beckoned Sayidina Ali RA and with his own hands put the armor on him, handed him the sword and staff, and sent him forth as the Commander of the Muslims troops for the day. The Muslims had suspected that this honor would go to Sayidina Ali RA because of his abilities, yet each had hoped secretly that he would be chosen. They all went forth cheerfully to fight and win that day under the command of Sayidina Ali ra; for if they had been jealous of the honor bestowed on him they would easily have hindered his success that day, or for the matter of that for many days to come.

The fact that Sayidina Ali ra succeeded that day in winning the fortress shows that nobody bore him ill-will, rather than all accepted him cheerfully as their commander. They had indeed, no time for such trivialities. If they accepted the leadership of the liberated slave Sayidina Zayd ra, there was certainly no reason for them to object to the leadership of Sayidina Ali ra, who besides being a valiant soldier, was of the same noble family of Rasulullah.

The Jews had hoped to hold their own and win the battle, and when they surrendered they came to Rasulullah begging forgiveness. Not only was this readily granted but he also returned their possessions and returned to them their lands on condition that one-half of the product should go to the Muslims. He knew that the Jews would not keep their word. Nevertheless, he willingly agreed to their requests and did not use his prerogative of demanding from them all their possessions, which would have rendered them destitute. 

Let those whoever that the spread of Islam was at the point of the sword ponder in this incident. As a victor he could have commanded the Jews to change their religion or die; but what do we see instead? Wholeheartedly and wholesome forgiveness. Rasulullah left to them their right to continue in their religion, promising that the Muslims should not interfere with their beliefs. Rasulullah only demanded from them half of the products of their lands as a tax for their protection and by way of reparation, which was neither they nor even now against any international law.

Compare this mercy and kindness of Rasulullah with the behavior of the Jews who, instead of being grateful to Rasulullah, immediately after the settlement they set about conspiring to take the life of Rasulullah.  They instigated one, Zaynab, to invite Rasulullah to dinner and give him poison, But, the Divine Providence, hardly had he lifted his hand to taste the food which was poisoned when he desisted. But a companion who had taken it died of its effect. Not content with this they continued to prove a source of perpetual trouble. 

Rasulullah was most merciful to them. He would have been justified in putting them all to death for this treachery alone, but he forgave them, Only Zaynab (Jews lady) was executed, and that was because of the death of a companion. Further, he sought to be friends with them by liberating one Saffiya, who came as a prisoner of war, and marrying her. But, all to no purpose. No conciliating act of Rasulullah, no kindness on his part could keep them from mischief.

Chapter 21- Madinah before the Battle of Khaybar.

Chapter 20

Madinah before the Battle of Khaybar. (626 AC)

Surely He has given thee a clear victory.”

(Quran 48:1)         

The Quraysh had tried with an utmost hatred to bring about the downfall of Islam. They also had tried their best to destroy Islam in the two battles of Badr and Uhud. However, on this two epics war where in each battle a Divine assistance that led to the rout of Quraysh.

The neighboring Jewish tribes, as well as the Bedouins, also failed in their attempts and so did the Hypocrites in their efforts to harm Islam from within. Each thus frustrated separately they all made common cause to achieve jointly that which they separately had proved themselves unable to accomplish. But here, too, the hand of Allah was with the Muslims and gave them a glorious victory; a victory so great that never again had the enemy the courage to march on Madinah. 

Let those who think Islam prevailed because of the sword pause and study these battles of history, and we are convinced that they will come to the conclusion; that “Islam spread, not by the sword.” The separate and joint attacks of the enemy conclusively prove that these storms did not even blight the religion which Rasulullah ﷺ, had come to teach – sure proof that Divine help was with them.

A year after the battle of Khandaq Rasulullah ﷺ saw in a vision that he, with his companions, was performing pilgrimage. This led him to think of that at last the enemy had come to know the Muslim strength, and realize that there was some inherent power in Islam which successfully withstood the onslaughts. Therefore, Rasulullah ﷺ took the vision concerning the pilgrimage to be a sign for him to go on pilgrimage and thus impress upon them the spiritual greatness of Islam as well; Rasulullah ﷺ also thought that as a pilgrimage was a privilege denied to none, it would not be denied to the Muslims. 

With this end in view, in the 6th A.H. (626 A.C.), with fourteen hundred Companions, he set out for Makkah to perform the pilgrimage: or Haj but to avoid misunderstanding, as well as to impress upon the Quraysh, the peacefulness of the Muslims intentions, Rasulullah ﷺ ordered that none should carry arms, though it was then the usual thing to wear a sword, however peaceful the conditions. So with their sacrificial animals they started for Makkah.  But the Quraysh, whose animosity was by no means dead, made ready to offer resistance to the Muslims. 

Budayl, the chief of the tribe Khuza’a, though not himself a Muslim, nevertheless, out of his regards to Islam, informed Rasulullah ﷺ of the intentions of the Quraysh, who had posted themselves outside Makkah so as to close all the approaches and bar the entry of the Muslims. Rasulullah ﷺ sent back Budayl to inform the Quraysh that the Muslims come to perform pilgrimage (Haj) and not to fight, and to suggest the Quraysh to enter into a truce with the Muslims for a certain period. 

Rasulullah ﷺ at that time was halting at a place called Hudaybiyah, till the conclusion of the terms with the Quraysh, but as the Quraysh were anxious not to let go a chance of killing a Muslim, they advanced slowly towards the Muslim camp with intent to slay any unwary Muslim who might cross their path. The wiser of the Quraysh were in favor of accepting the peace, because they knew that they could not hope to do any harm to the Muslims, especially when on every occasion of war they had failed to do so. They therefore, agreed to depute ‘Urwa as their spokesman to conclude terms of truce with the Muslims. ‘Urwa came to Rasulullah ﷺ, but the negotiations were a fiasco, and ended in an instructive incident.

 ‘Urwa, in the course of discussion, advised Rasulullah ﷺ not too much reliance in his followers, imputing that they were as likely as not to desert him in hour of need.  Nevertheless, he went back highly impressed with the faithfulness of the Muslims, because while he was there, the time for prayer came, and when Rasulullah ﷺ performed the ablutions, so intense was the love of his followers towards him that they did not let even a drop of the waste water fall on the ground.

“By God” said Urwa on his return to the Quraysh, “Muhammad cannot even spit but that one of his followers gathers it up to smear his face with it, and after he has washed they fight for his bath-water!  I have been on embassies to princess; of the Caesar, to the Chores, and the Negus; but I have never seen a sovereign so well obeyed as Muhammad.” Two other emissaries received the same impression.

Not disheartened by the first failures of the peace talk Rasulullah ﷺ sent another messenger; but he was ill-treated, the camel on which he rode being killed.  As a further sign of hostility a detachment of the Quraysh set out to kill as many Muslims as possible, but was itself taken prisoner.  As the Muslims was not intent upon fighting they let them go, and this time sent Sayidina Uthman Ibn Affan ra to negotiate. As soon as Sayidina Uthman ra arrived he was captured, and the rumors spread in the Muslim camp that he had been murdered, which led them to fear that the Quraysh were bent upon war. 

The Muslims were unarmed and numerically inferior. To all appearance, it was a most critical period for them, and it was only their firm faith in the Divine protection that kept their head cool. They were unarmed and the enemy is bent on bloodshed; in these circumstances Rasulullah ﷺ called on them to take a fresh oath that they would fight to the very last man, and they cheerfully took it. These are famously known in Islamic history as “The Bay’atu r Ridhwan.” Or “The Pledge of Rizwan.” This resolve of the Muslims to shed the last drop of blood in the cause of Allah reached the Quraysh and brought them to their senses. 

They realized then that whatever their number or strength might be, they would never succeed in overthrowing this band of devout believer of Islam. Where they fought like men endowed with supernatural strength. Their past experience told them that they had no choice against the Muslims. Realizing all their disadvantages they sent one, Suhail bin Amru to come to terms with the Muslims. Thus an agreement known as “The Truce of Hudaybiyah” was drawn up. The parties agreed to maintain peace for ten years on the following conditions.-


     Further on ‘Ali came to the words, “This is an agreement between Muhammad, The Apostle of God, and the Quraysh” The Makkan again objected, saying, “If we were to admit that you are the Apostle of God, why all this bloodshed.” But Sayidina Ali ra refuse to erase the word “Apostle of God” and Rasulullah ﷺ had to do this by himself, bidding him “Muhammad, son of Abdullah.”  Instead.

Soon after these terms were concluded, One Abu Jandal, a Muslim, who was in Makkah and being tortured, came over to the Muslims, thinking that by so doing he would be safe. He showed the scars on his body, which moved Rasulullah ﷺ to try to get exception in his case, but Suhayl would have none of it, and demanded that the man be returned. Rasulullah ﷺ  had to yield and hand him over to the Quraysh. “Sayidina Umar Ibn Khattab ra was indignant at this apparent weakness of Rasulullah ﷺ, and the Muslims also remonstrated, but to no purpose. 


Rasulullah ﷺ
   saying that it was a great hour of trial, exhorted them to remain true to their vows, and also consoled Abu Jandal RA , telling that he should fear nothing in the cause of Allah. The torment of Kafir Quraysh that the Muslims felt this truce to be most humiliating to them, yet Rasulullah ﷺ on his return to Madinah received the revelation:

On the receipt of which Rasulullah ﷺ sent for Sayidina Umar ra, the most indignant of all, and told him that what be considered a defeat was really a great victory in the eyes of Allah.”

Events that followed amply show that this truce was, indeed, a victory for the Muslims; for, in the following year, on the occasion of pilgrimage there were ten thousand men with Rasulullah ﷺ instead of the fourteen hundred he had had on the occasion of the truce. This increase in number of Muslims was due to no other cause than the “Treaty of Hudaybiyah,” which the Muslims had thought humiliating. The truce of Hudaybiyah, in fact, bridged the gulf that had yawned between Muslims and Kafir, because of the existence of the state of warfare. 

The truce went a long way to bring them together because the Muslims could mxi freely with the Quraysh and imbue them with their ideas and morals. During the truce the Quraysh also could come in contact with the Muslims and discover that those under the influence of Rasulullah ﷺ were superior in morality and unity. So long as the barrier of warfare existed the Arabs had no time to appreciate the moral edification brought about by Islam. Until then, their sole aim in life had been to devise plans for the annihilation of the Muslims. 

Now they came to know that Rasulullah was quite other than the person they imagined, and soon found out that his teachings were for the well being and good of mankind. They realized that they had been led astray in their estimate of his character; for now they saw that it was above approach, kind and invigorating. It was this impression, wrought on them by the peaceful conditions brought about the truce, which effected their conversion to the faith.

Following the revelation referred to above comes this:

“That Allah may rectify for you that which has gone before of the faults attributed to you and that which remains behind, and complete His favor for you on a right way. And that Allah might help you with His mighty help.”

(Quran: 48. 2-3)

These words were amply fulfilled by the conversion of a large number to the new faith. All the amputations that had been heaped upon him were removed by close contact, and his sterling qualities were made manifest to the Arabs. As to the words “That which remains behind,” the happenings of to-day are a proof, Europe is gradually discovering, now that it is in closer contact with Muslims, that what  its historians wrote of Rasulullah ﷺ is far from being true.

It is thus clear that the harsh terms of Hudaybiyah accepted by Rasulullah ﷺ were because of a Divine purpose, and also by reason of the peace-loving nature of Rasulullah ﷺ.  The Muslims had defeated the Quraysh almost on all occasions, and in spite of being unarmed they could not neglect the chance for peace, how-ever slight it might be. The Quran, too, confirms this in its words;

But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah. for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).

 “And if the Quraysh online towards peace, thou shalt also incline towards it”

(Quran 8:61)


On his return Rasulullah ﷺ found that with his mind at rest about war he could do much to bring about some realization of his mission. So far his effort confined to the Arabs only, and of them only such as belonged to the Hedjaz. Now, after this truce, he sent envoys to neighboring sovereigns inviting them to embrace Islam. Two of the embassies were especially dispatched to the Emperor of the Greeks, and the Chosroes of Persia. The latter was amazed at the audacity of the fugitive of Makkah in addressing him on equal terms, and indignantly tore up the letter. When this news was brought to Rasulullah ﷺ, he said: 

“Thus shall the Kingdom of the Chosroes of Persia. Thus shall the Kingdom of the Chosroes be torn to pieces.”; and this prophecy was duly fulfilled, as history tells us.

The emissary of Rasulullah ﷺ reached the court of the Roman Emperor, Abu Sufyan, the arch-enemy of Rasulullah ﷺ and Islam, was also there, and the Emperor summoned him to his presence to enquire about Rasulullah ﷺ. When questioned about Muhammad, Abu Sufyan bore witness to the character of Rasulullah ﷺ.

“Did you make war against him?” asked the Emperor Heraclius.

“Yes,” replied Abu Sufyan.

“Who was the victor?” inquired Heraclius.

“Once he was – once we were” said Abu Sufyan.

“Does he keep his word?” asked the Emperor.

“We are.” Said Abu Sufyan,” at the present time actually at peace with him, but we do not know how he will observe it.”

“What does he believe?” asked the Emperor.

“He asks us,” said Abu Sufyan, “to give up the faith of our fathers, to worship one God, to pay the poor-rate, to keep our word, and to abstain from fornication.”

This account of Islam, and by an avowed enemy at that, impressed the Emperor highly. He called a meeting of prominent personages, and tried to win them over his views of Islam. He told them that the adoption of Islam would increase their well-being. But, they all resented this suggestion of his. To save appearances he had to say that he was only testing their integrity. He died, it is said, without making public confession of is faith.

The dispatch to Persia that was torn up by the Chores was couched in the following terms: “In the name of God, the beneficent and Merciful, Muhammad the Apostle of God invites you..” Another epistle was sent to the Negus of Abyssinia. He honored the emissary and embraced Islam.

The emissary sent to the governor of Basra in the confines of Syria was killed at Mu’tah by an Arab of the tribe of the Ghassan, Christian vassals of the Emperor Heraclius. To avenge his death  Rasulullah ﷺ sent  Sayidina Zayd bin Harithah ra with three thousand men under orders to sweep Mut'ah with an invasion, but to spare women, children, the blind, and the monks and avoid the destruction of house and trees.

 But the Muslims ran up against a strong army of the Ghassan and some Greeks. As they did not know how to form squares they were routed by the enemy’s cavalry. Sayidina Zayd bin Harithah ra was mortally wounded and gave the standard over to Sayidina Jaafar bin Abu Talib ra, the brother of Sayidina Ali ra, as it fell from his hand. He heroically defended the emblem, having his two hands cut off before falling, with his head split open and body pierced with more than ninety wounds from lances or arrows. The poet, Sayidina Abdullah bin Rawahah ra, was also martyred. 

And in the end, Sayidina Khalid bin al Walid ra, the new convert, took over the banner, rallied his troops, and had nine sabres (sword) snapped off in his hand.

Night separated the combatants. The following day Sayidina Khalid Al Walid ra, well versed in war tactics, pushed forward his troops at a number of points so the enemy believed he had received re-enforcements, and retreated.

The army returned to Madinah, piously carrying the body of Sayidina Jaafar ra.   Rasulullah ﷺ wept for death of his three generals. He went to call upon Jaafar’s widow, and taking the martyr’s little son upon his knee he caressed the child’s head in such fashion that the mother at once understood what had occurred.

“His two hands were cut off,” he said, “but Allah has given him two wings of emeralds and with them he flies amongst the angels of Paradise.”

And seeing the daughter of his faithful Sayidina Zayd ra approach, he leaned his head upon her shoulder and wept. They were astonished, and he explained: “I shed the tears of friendship for the loss of a friend.”

Rasulullah ﷺ: The commander to lead the army to the battlefield.

Sayidina Zayd bin Harithah ra – A liberated slave, and the fact that the army, though comprised of noble and proud elements, accepted his command, was an example of the holy Rasulullah ﷺ teachings of equality, fairness, and of course capability, and their hold on his followers.

Those who charge Rasulullah ﷺ with personal aggrandizement and worldly ambition should pause and reflect, for here is something to convince them of their error in estimating this unique personality. Their charge might have had some weight if Rasulullah ﷺ had sent these envoys to other places after his subjugation of the whole of Arabia, but the fact that he sent them long before that proves that his purpose was neither self-aggrandizement nor worldly ambition. 

They should remember that only twelve months before Madinah had been besieged, and that but a few weeks previously they had been refused permission to perform the pilgrimage. In face of these circumstances Rasulullah ﷺ invitation to various powerful monarchs to embrace Islam could not well be on account of self-aggrandizement. It was, in fact, on account of his absolute faith in Allah and supreme conviction as to the ultimate success of his mission. It was a struggle between Truth and Falsehood, and as Truth does not depend on force and is potent enough to hold its own, it succeeded. 

Two things are borne out by this event; one that Rasulullah was neither an impostor nor an imbecile, and the other that from the very beginning he had looked upon Islam as the religion of the whole world. Therefore, if he was not an impostor then he was certainly the Rasul of Allah. As to the universality of religion, no religion except Islam has claimed for itself that it is a universal religion. Jesus himself put forward no such claim. Instead, he always said that he came to reclaim the lost sheep of the House of Israel; and this is amply proved by the fact that he refused to pray when once a non-Israelite came to him begging for prayers. 

On the other hand Rasulullah ﷺ form the moment of his call, claimed to have come as the Rasul (Prophet) for the world, to teach to all the religion of oneness of God. The Quran itself says as much, and Rasulullah spared no pain to accomplish it. His sending of envoys to the courts of different kings was for furtherance of the object that was his, and which Allah meant to be his. It was in no way like the claim of St.Paul to the Catholic of the religion of Jesus. But that the religion of the West happens to be Christianity  neither proves that Islam was not a universal religion nor affirms that it is suited only to the requirements of the East, as Christianity was born and bred in the East, and the Israelites, for the reformation of which tribe it came, were the inhabitants of the East.

Chapter 20 - Muslims wars with the Jews of Madinah- Bani Qunaiqah

Muslims' wars with the Jews of Madinah- Bani Qunaiqah

(623-627 A.C)

“What! Whenever an Apostle came to you with that which your souls did not desire, you were insolent, some you called liars and some you slay”.

(Quran 20:87)

The Jews in Madinah, who formed a large portion of the population, were also the wealthiest and most learned among the inhabitants. When Rasulullah ﷺ first arrived in Madinah he entered into an agreement with them, but the steadily growing influence of Islam made them jealous and fearful lest the Muslims should soon eclipse their power in Madinah. In secret, they kept on friendly terms with the Hypocrites and devised a plan to cause trouble to the Muslims.

The morals of the Jews had become most degenerate, and many verses in The Quran touching their immorality were revealed to Rasulullah ﷺ. As a Rasulullah ﷺ he felt it his duty to preach to them, and teach them to depart from evil and sin, and follow the right path. Besides their resentment at the preaching’s  Rasulullah ﷺ amongst them, the principal cause that led to their antagonism towards Islam was the ever-diminishing of their influence over the Midianites, who were coming more rapidly than ever under the influence of Islam. 

Soon what began as jealousy turned into positive hatred, as a result of which hostilities that formerly were carried in secret now became open.  Rasulullah ﷺ himself was not spared. They even spoke to him with insolence. For example, instead of saying the Muslims greeting “Salamo Alayk,” they would go up to Rasulullah ﷺ and say “Assam Alayk,” which meant “Death be on you,” while the former meant “Peace be upon you,” while speaking to him, instead of using the word “ra” ina,”  which meant “listen to us,” they would shorten the accent and say “ra’ina,” meaning “you are a fool.”

Another method of theirs of harming Islam was to become Muslims, and shortly after to become unbelievers again; so that others might think there was something seriously amiss with the teaching of Islam. Besides, in the short time they were in the fold of Islam, they would do their best to make other Muslims follow them and apostate. They also turned their efforts to cause enmity between two important tribes of Madinah, the Aus, and the Khazraj. Had they succeeded in doing this, it would have broken the strength of the Muslims completely, but the timely arrival of Rasulullah ﷺ foiled their attempt.  Gradually matters came to such a pass that the lives of the Muslims became endangered.

As it had been mentioned before, there were three Jewish tribes in Madinah: Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qaynuqa. The most mischievous and courageous one among them was Banu Qaynuqa. They were jewelers. Therefore, they were quite rich. They had also signed a treaty with Rasulullah ﷺ just like the other tribes. They had promised that they would not attempt any activities against Muslims, that they would defend Madinah against the enemy in case of an external attack against Madinah, and that they would not help the enemies of each other. 

However, they had started to violate the treaty through their obvious mischievous acts and seditions, by trying to set Muslims against one another, and by cooperating with the polytheists of Quraysh. Meanwhile, the following incident that took place was the last straw that broke the camel’s back: 

A woman from the Ansar of Madinah went to the shop of a Jewish jeweler to buy something; her face was covered. The Jews tried to make her open her face; however, the woman insisted on having her face covered. Meanwhile, a Jewish person secretly attached a thorn to the bottom part of her dress. When the woman stood up to leave, her dress was pulled and her legs were seen. The Jewish people who were there started to laugh at her. 

They made insulting insinuations against Muslim womenfolk, and even composed verses concerning them. They went as far as to molest them in the street. An incident that caused great friction, and led to a skirmish called the Battle of Qaynuqa, arose because a Madinites woman went to the shop of a Jew where she was outraged. A Muslim passing heard the cries, and, going in, he was so infuriated that he slew the Jew, seeing which other Jews who had gathered there slew the Muslim. On hearing this,  Rasulullah ﷺ went to the Jews and asked them to refrain from the such thing in the future, warning them that like the Quraysh they would be punished. 

The woman screamed.  When a Muslim who was passing by heard the scream, he intervened to help the woman. The Muslim and the Jews started to fight. The Muslims killed the Jew. Then, the other Jews who were there swooped down on the Muslim and martyred him.  Thus, blood was shed between Jews and Muslims. The ones that caused the incident were the Jews. They violated the treaty by acting against the promises that had been made.

When the relatives of the Muslim who was martyred asked for help, Rasulullah ﷺ gathered the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa. Rasulullah ﷺ called them to Islam. Rasulullah ﷺ told them to give up their mischievous acts and that they could face the fate of the polytheists in Badr.  However, the mischievous Jews made fun of the speech of Rasulullah ﷺ and gave the following answer arrogantly:

 “O, Muhammad! Do not depend on your victory against the people who did not know how to fight. If you dare to fight us, you will see what kind of men we are.”  Then, they left. 

The verse that was sent down upon the conceited and arrogant answer of the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa declared what would happen to them as follows:  

“Say to those who reject Faith: "Soon will ye be vanquished and gathered together to Hell―an evil bed indeed (to lie on)!’” Quran (3)

Another verse that was sent down regarding the same event gave Rasulullah ﷺ the permission to fight against these Jews, who violated their promise as follows: “If thou fearest treachery from any group, throw back (their Covenant) to them, (so as to be) on equal terms: for Allah loveth not the treacherous!”  Quran (4)

Thereupon, Rasulullah ﷺ resolved: they would fight against the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa.

After making this decision, Rasulullah ﷺ appointed Lubaba b. Abdil Mundhir ra as his deputy in Madinah gave the white standard to Sayidina Hamzah RA and set out toward Banu Qaynuqa.

The Banu Qaynuqa Jews had a strong castle. When they heard that Rasulullah ﷺ was coming toward them, they withdrew to the castle. Rasulullah ﷺ besieged them. After the siege that lasted for fifteen days, they had to surrender. The Prophet ordered that all of them be tied by their hands one by one. Their hands were tie

The Jews answered that they would prove in the open fight that they were not cowards like the Quraysh. As this open challenge, Rasulullah ﷺ accepted it, and gave orders to the Muslims to make ready to fight the Jews. Having thus broken their compact with the Muslims, the Jews decided to fight. But finding the Muslims ready for battle they locked themselves up in a fort. The siege that followed lasted fifteen days. At the end of this period, the Jews surrendered and accept any decision Rasulullah ﷺ might make. They were told to leave Madinah immediately, which they did, seven hundred of them departing and settling in Syam (Syria).

The Battle of Banu Qaynuqa

What happened in the Jew's war? The Battle with Bani Qaynuqa…

Forming a significant community in and around Madinah, the Jews used to constantly tell their Arab neighbors of the coming of a prophet in the offing. Their genuine belief that Rasulullah ﷺ would hail from among their community meant they did not shy away from eagerly spreading the news. Once the awaited prophet did in fact arrive, not from their own people, but from among the Arabs, their feelings of enthusiasm gave way to jealousy. Immediately changing their tune, they rejected his prophethood. Allah, glory unto Him, pronounces, in relation:


Another reason for Jewish bitterness was their love of the world, depicted in the Quran as follows:

Moreover, their monopoly of commercial life gave the Jews an air of superiority, aggravated by their seeming power, which led them to believe:

When reminded of Divine Retribution for their mischief, they would reply, with confidence:


But Allah, glory unto Him, declared otherwise:
Regardless of their pact with  Rasulullah ﷺ, the Jews were fostering inveterate feelings of hostility against him, which lead them to reignite old rivalries between clans and fan the flames of mischief. Allah, glory unto Him, exposed them to His Messenger and the Believers:

 “O you who believe! Take not for intimates others than your own folk, who would spare no pains to ruin you; they love to hamper you. Hatred is revealed by (the utterance of) their mouths, but that which their breasts hide is greater. We have made plain for you the revelations if you will understand. Lo! You are those who love them though they love you not, and ye believe in all the Scripture. 

When they fall in with you they say: We believe; but when they go apart they bite their fingertips at you, for rage. Say: Perish in your rage! Lo! Allah is Aware of what is hidden in (your) breasts. If a lucky chance befalls you, it is evil unto them, and if disaster strikes you they rejoice thereat. But if ye persevere and keep from evil their guile will never harm you. Lo! Allah is surrounding what they do.” 

 The Jews, who, as declared by the ayah, were nursing a covert yet irrepressible grudge against the Believers, were visibly discomfited following the Muslim victory at Badr. The Jews of Banu Qaynuqa, in particular, decided to take their feelings of discomfort a step further and take on the Believers in battle. This was a prelude to their violation of the pact they had made with Rasulullah ﷺ.

The Jews, aided by their close ally in Abdullah ibn Ubayy, the chief hypocrite, had virtually turned the Medinan Market into a witch’s cauldron for devising plots against the Believers. These plots had threatening consequences for Muslims; they even included a plan of assassinating 
Rasulullah ﷺ.


The Jewish tribes called the people of Nadir and the people of Qurayza were just two hours away from Madinah. 

Rasulullah ﷺ had signed various covenants with both tribes. The lives and properties of the Jews were secured; in return it was decided that they would provide financial aid.

 In spite of this, since the battle of Uhud the Jews had changed their attitudes negatively.

 According to the covenant, the people of Nadir were supposed to pay a part of blood money of two people who had been killed by accident by Amr bin Umair -may Allah be pleased with him.

Rasulullah ﷺ with ten of his companions went to the neighborhood of the Children of Nadir and requested their portion of blood money. At the same time, he wanted to know if they were loyal to the covenant. At first the Jews agreed with this request, but then they took advantage of Allah's Messenger's -peace be upon him- visit and they planned to assassinate him.

 Sallam bin Mishkam warned the Jews: "Quit this idea. If you attempt to assassinate him, he will be informed of the case. And you will be the ones who broke the covenant, you will ruin yourselves." But nobody took notice of his words.

 They were planning to make him sit down under a shady spot in one of their houses and kill him by rolling down a rock. The Archangel Gabriel -peace be upon him- came and informed Rasulullah ﷺ about their plan. Rasulullah ﷺ stood up where he was sitting and immediately quit the neighborhood with his companions. The Jews were caught red-handed.

 Then, Rasulullah ﷺ went back to Madinah, he sent Muhammad bin Masalamah ra  with him- telling them to abandon the city within ten days. Otherwise war would be declared against them.

 Their exile was already written in the Torah. Almighty Allah ruled to punish them in this way because of their guilt.

 The Children of Nadir began preparations for leaving right away, preparing food for the journey. But the head of the hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubayy sent news to the Jews promising his support and telling them not to abandon the city and to disobey Rasulullah ﷺ. They trusted his promise and secluded themselves in their castle. They sent a message to Rasulullah ﷺ which said "We are not going to quit our homes and we challenge you."

In the holy verses revealed regarding to this matter, Allah, the Exalted, commands:

Hypocrites were supposedly supporting their brothers in disbelieving and ungratefulness who were non-believers.  They told the Jews that they would risk any disobedience and rebellion to prevent their expulsion. If they could not prevent their expulsion the disbelievers were saying that they would quit their homes and wealth and they would leave with the Jews. 

They also said that they would not listen to anyone who would try to prevent the abandonment. The disbelievers swore and promised the Jews that they would support them against their enemies in the battle.

 As a result of this Rasulullah ﷺ left Madinah to the homeland of the Children of Nadir. The Muslims prayed their afternoon prayer in the orchards and vineyards of the Children of Nadir. Then, the homeland of the Children of Nadir was surrounded. Since the Jews stored food that was enough for one year, they put their trust on the strength of their castle.

Rasulullah ﷺ said to the Jews: "Quit Madinah and go away" as a last offer. They responded "Death is easier for us than your offer."

There was no way other than the battle, anymore. The siege continued approximately 15 to 20 days.

Since the Jews would not risk to quit and fight outside the castle, it was as surety that the siege would be hard.

 Rasulullah ﷺ made a plan by the permission of Allah. He commanded his followers to demolish the closest Jews' houses and castles and to burn the date palms. His aim was to put fear into the Jews' hearts and make them feel horrified. Thus, he wanted to force them to leave the castle and fight.

When the Muslim fighters began to demolish the houses and fell the date palms, the Children of Nadir yelled "O Muhammad! You forbid us from plotting mischief. Now for what purpose is cutting and burning the date palms."

Mostly, only the date palms that are not eatable were felled and burned. Jewish women could not put up with the felling of the first quality date palms called "Acve" and they were tearing their collars crying out.

Those yells made some of the Muslims hesitate for a while.

In the holy verse revealed as a result of this, Allah the Exalted has explained that the cutting and burning of the palm trees was by the permission of Almighty Allah:

Such a maneuver is one of the types of oppression that is applied in battles. The Children of Nadir did not want to be exiled from that land. So, cutting down some of their palm trees was a helper element of battle that helped to break the Jews' ties to their homeland.

If it is necessary to destroy something to win war, destruction is permissible.

Also, this holy verse indicates that only the date palms that prevented the operation were cut down and burned during the siege.

Since the Children of Nadir did not have the support that they expected from the Children of Qurayza and the hypocrites, they were scared and obliged to surrender.

Because they asked, Rasulullah ﷺ showed them mercy. Rasulullah ﷺ allowed them to take all of their goods other than the weapons, as much as they were able to load on their camels.

Before leaving, the Children of Nadir demolished their houses those, which the Muslims had not demolished. In order to prevent the residence of the Muslims, they knocked down the pillars of their houses, they collapsed the ceilings, and put their houses in a condition such that no one could live in them any longer.

The Jewish women put on their most valuable clothes, gold and silver jewelry in order to show the Muslims that they were not sad. They abandoned the city with a big show by playing tambourine and whistles. After their various mischief, they found the punishment very light.

This siege also lasted for about two weeks, at the end of which time the Banu Nadir surrendered, and asked Rasulullah ﷺ as a punishment, to allow them to leave Madinah as the other tribes had done. The request having been acceded to they left Madinah in a great procession, taking as much of their movable property as could be taken on their camels

The procession was preceded by a band playing and women singing. The little property they left behind included weapons of warfare, and of these the Muslims took possession. Some of the Banu Nadir settled in Khaybar. Others scattered and settled elsewhere.

The Battle of Bani Qurayza

The only Jewish tribe now left in Madinah was Banu Qurayza. As the had not been guilty of any treachery against the Muslims, they were allowed to renew their agreement with the Muslims. But the Banu Nadir, although banished and scattered, was still bent on causing trouble to Islam. They roamed about the desert stirring other tribes against Muslims. Seeing the Banu Qurayza and Muslims on friendly terms they did their best to cause rift in this friendship. In the beginning the Banu Qurayza were by no means anxious to quarrel with the Muslims, but the Banu Nadir informed them that all tribes, including the Quraysh, were combining forces to attack Muslims who, they believed, had not the slightest chance of survival. 

The Big Lie About the Massacre of the Jews of Banu Qurayza in Medina

 When Rasulullah ﷺ first arrived in Madinah, an agreement was reached between the Muslims and the Jews, which gave the Jews the freedom to practice their religion and which also set out their rights and their duties. Among these duties was that in the case of war with Quraysh, the Jews would fight on the side of the Muslims.

Despite this agreement, however, some of the Jewish tribes, who resented Rasulullah ﷺ presence in Madinah, soon began to cause trouble amongst the Muslims. The first treacherous act that they did, was to open secret communications with the Quraysh casting aside their agreements with the Muslims. Moreover, they strained every nerve to produce general dissatisfaction and bitterness against Rasulullah ﷺ, his teachings and his faithful companions. A campaign of slander was organized against Islam and its followers. The sacred words of the Holy Qur'an were deliberately mispronounced in order to pervert their meanings. Satirical poems were enthusiastically sung at public places in which the religion of Allah was abjectly ridiculed. Inflammatory poems were recited with a view to keeping the animosity of the hostile tribes alive.

The people of Qurayza were of the Medinan Jews like Qaynuqa and Nadir.

The Big Lie About the Massacre of the Jews of Banu Qurayza in Medina.

Before busting this old myth with the help of a series of  logical analysis, let us first re-cap the history of the Jewish tribes of Medina briefly.

 The settlement of Khyber was 95 miles from Madinah and a stronghold of the Arab Jews.  It consisted of nine or ten Jewish forts.  At Khyber, various pagan Arab tribes that opposed Rasulullah ﷺ were also given refuge by the Jews.   Khyber stayed an active center of conspiracies against the Muslims in Medina for almost two years.   It was on the 7th year of the Hijrah that Rasulullah ﷺ was left with no other choice but to confront this source of aggression.

 Battle of the Trench (Ghazwa-e-Khandaq) was fought on 5th Hijrah, two years prior to the battle in Khyber.  By this time the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir had already been expelled from Madinah for its continuous role as a trouble maker, many of whose adherents had settled in Khyber.   Banu Qaynuqa (or Kanuka as in Hebrew) was expelled for its declaration of war on  Rasulullah ﷺ some time after the Battle of Badr which took place on 3rd Hijrah. It's recounted that some adherents of Banu Qaynuqa settled in Wadi-e-Kura, north of Madinah and some went to Syria.  But in reality, many of them landed up in Khyber.   Khyber also became the destination of several members of the tribe of Banu Qurayza after their defeat in the Battle of Trench in 5th Hijrah.

That common story about the "massacre of Banu Qurayza" after Battle of the Trench is one of the biggest fairy tales in world history.   Unfortunately, like many orientalists, even some Muslim historians  have used this fabrication in their works. 

Evidence from the Glorious Quran

Referring to the Sole Criterion, the Noble Quran,  Verses 33:26, there is absolutely NO indication of 'mass killing' of Banu Qurayza. 

 Verse 33:26 is a reference to the treachery of Banu Qurayza and when the Muslim army confronted them after the Battle of the Trench.  Mark the words of Verse 33:26 - "some ye slew, and ye made captive some."  This clearly denotes few people being killed in the battle and few being taken as prisoners. It includes only those who were on the frontline of the battle.  

A massacre is never described in this manner.  In particular, the language and style of the Noble Quran is so articulate that whichever event is described, whether briefly or in detail, is very vividly and coherently expressed with no scope of any misunderstandings.  The expression mentioning the casualties of Banu Qurayza in Verse 33:26 by no means indicates execution-style killing of the entire tribe.  That's crystal clear.

 This Jewish tribe showed open treachery during the Battle of the Trench.  After the battle  when Quraysh along with various pagan clans had deserted the battlefield, the Muslims faced up to deal with Banu Qurayza who were in their Jewish stronghold of Medina.  Whatever casualties took place was during the fight between the Muslims and the adherents of Banu Qurayza.   

This is precisely what the Quran defines in the above mentioned Verse.  As we can see, the allusion to the confrontation between the Muslims and Banu Qurayza in the Quran is brief and there is no reference whatsoever to any mass slaughter even in the remotest sense.  The Quran refers to it in a battle context, to those who were actually fighting. The Quran is the only authority to be accepted without hesitation or doubt.

 The rule in Islam is to punish only those who were responsible for the sedition. To kill such a large number is the exact opposite of the Islamic sense of justice and opposite to the important principles of the Qur'an - particularly the verse "That no laden one shall bear another's load," (53:38).

 The version of all women and children taken prisoners is also absurd, without any plausible evidence and completely opposed to Quranic rules concerning prisoners of war, which is: Either they are to be granted their freedom or they are permitted to be ransomed.

 Many historical data conform with information contained in the Glorious Quran (V.33:26)

Many history books recounting the story of Qurayza have stated that a few specific persons were named during the event as having been put to death, some of whom were described as particularly active in their hostility. It is the reasonable conclusion that those were the ones who led the sedition and who were consequently punished - NOT the whole tribe.

 The myth of Banu Qurayza is inconsistent compared to the decisions of Muslims concerning Banu Nadir and Qunaika

It is unlikely, if not impossible, that the Banu Qurayza should be slaughtered when the other Jewish tribes of Banu Nadir and Qaynuqa which had surrendered earlier were treated leniently and allowed to go for the same crime.   Abu Ubayd  Salam relates in his Kitab al-Amwal the final words of  Rasulullah ﷺ to Banu Qurayza: "I have known the extent of your hostility to Allah and to His apostle, yet that does not prevent me from treating you as I treated your brethren."  This is reported as  Rasulullah ﷺ's  response after the surrender of Banu Qurayzah.

 No tangible historical evidence of such an incident

Had this slaughter actually happened and if so many hundreds of people had actually been put to death in the "market-place" (as babbled in the fabricated stories and forged hadiths), it's very strange and unusual that there was never any trace of mass graves nor any sites of mass burial anywhere in Madinah, even though many other important historical landmarks were preserved for a long time, some are present even now.  But absolutely nothing to indicate that an entire tribe had been executed and buried at any spot in Madinah.

 No evidence of Saad bin Muaz ra being told to decide the fate of Banu Qurayza other than forged narrations

Just as the descendants of Banu Qurayza would want to glorify their ancestors, so did the descendants of Saad bin Muaz, the chief of Aus tribe of Madinah whose adherent was Banu Qurayza.  According to the myth,  Rasulullah ﷺ requested Saad bin Muad to make a decision about the fate of Banu Qurayza.   Later, evidence emerged that that part of the story which claims all men of Banu Qurayza were put to death and women and children taken prisoners was transmitted from one of Saad's direct descendants with no evidence that  Rasulullah ﷺ at all approached Saad to decide about Banu Qurayza.  In other words, this account from one of Saad's descendants is exactly as unreliable, rather utterly false, as 99.9% of the fabricated Hadith we have read.

 Senseless gossips only expose this myth still more

As usual, lots of illogical narrations from irrelevant personalities have come up, hurling one falsehood upon another concerning the Banu Qurayza story.  For example, one historical narration claims that all prisoners of Banu Qurayza were incarcerated in the house of a woman from Banu al-Najjar.  No one even knows who this woman was nor does this Arab tribe of Banu al-Najjar have any significance in Islamic History.  Moreover, how could so many hundreds of prisoners be accommodated in a common house belonging to a woman of Banu al-Najjar?  Just doesn't make sense.

 Gossip mongering by Arab Jews a prime factor for distortions, creation of this tale and confusion among historians

The blatant fact of the matter is that stories regarding the Arab Jews have been distorted and manipulated grossly by their descendants until almost 200 years after the passing away of  Rasulullah ﷺ.   Regarding the unacceptable story of the slaughter of Banu Qurayza, the real source of this myth was the descendants of the Jews of Madinah.

 What is being confused or intentionally distorted by various historians is the inside story coming directly from the Jews of Banu Qurayza in the words of their leader, Kaab bin Asad, who in his lengthy and aggressive speech is reported to have suggested that Banu Qurayza should eliminate their women and children and make a last desperate attempt against the Muslim army.  It's interesting to note that according to the information contained in several episodes of history, an ancient and frantic Jewish tradition in times of complete despair and distress was mass suicide.  That tallies with the report in some history books about Kaab bin Asad's intentions in his long and aggressive speech.  However, another historical version suggests that many Jews of Banu Qurayza refused to commit suicide, giving further evidence that NO mass death was inflicted upon the Jews, neither by the Muslims nor by themselves.  It also explains how scores of adherents of Banu Qurayza were later found to have joined the Jewish stronghold at Khyber, giving still greater credence to the fact that after the Battle of the Trench, the tribe of Banu Qurayza was expelled from Madinah and NOT executed en masse. 


False hadith only strengthened the falsified version of the Banu Qurayza story

When the culture of Hadith narrations began in full swing during the reign of the Umayyads, a lot of those young so-called sahabas who had never even met or seen  Rasulullah ﷺ began narrating tons of fabrications.  Several of them who converted to Islam were Jews or Christians.  They were brazen opportunists with no sincere attachments to Faith.  They forged plenty of narrations that were discreetly supportive of the Jewish tribes of Arabia.

Banu Qaynuqa Leave Madinah

The real aim of Rasulullah ﷺ was to keep the mischief and sedition of the Jews away from Madinah and to prevent the dangers caused by them. He reached his aim by expelling them from Madinah.

The time given to Banu Qaynuqa to leave Madinah was three days. When the period of three days ended, they set off to Damascus. When they reached Wadi al-Qura, they stayed there for a month. 

The Jews who lived there gave horses and camels to those who did not have anything to ride on and food to all of them. Then, the Banu Qaynuqa Jews left Wadi al-Qura, reached Azrua and settled there. They soon perished away. 


Many modern analysts and historians have opined that in the early days a certain version of the myth of Banu Qurayzah was cooked up and preserved by the descendants of Banu Qurayza.   Then, the later generations of the Jewish descendants of Banu Qurayza superimposed the details of the siege of Masada on the already fabricated story of the siege of Banu Qurayza, perhaps through confusion but more likely intentionally - in other words, medieval Jewish propaganda.   


Heba E. Husseyn:

Abdullah b. Ubay Applies to the Prophet: 

Meanwhile, the leader of the munafiqs, Abdullah b. Ubayy, who was the ally of Banu Qaynuqa, went to Rasulullah ﷺ. He said, “O Muhammad! Do my allies a favor; forgive them.” 

Rasulullah ﷺ ignored the words of Abdullah b. Ubayy. Thereupon, he repeated his words:

“O Muhammad! Do my allies a favor; forgive them!”

This time, Rasulullah ﷺ turned his face away.

However, Abdullah b. Ubayy continued to repeat the same things:

Thereupon, Rasulullah ﷺsaid,

“Untie them. May God curse them and those who are with them!” He gave up the idea of killing Banu Qaynuqa and ordered them to be expelled to Damascus  from Madinah.

The Words of Ubadah  b. Samit ra

Ubada b. Samit, from Banu Awf, was also an ally of the Banu Qaynuqa Jews. He also came to Rasulullah ﷺ to ask him let them free. When he witnessed what happened between Rasulullah ﷺ and Abdullah b. Ubayy, he said, “O Messenger of God! I have become the friend of God, His Prophet and believers. I have given up being allies and friends with those unbelievers.” He declared that he gave up being allies and friends with the Banu Qaynuqa Jews. 

Thereupon, the following verse was sent down:

 “O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. (7) 

And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guided not a people unjust.” (8) to ask him let them free. When he witnessed what happened between Rasulullah ﷺ and Abdullah b. Ubayy, he said, “O Messenger of God! I have become the friend of God, His Prophet and believers. I have given up being allies and friends with those unbelievers.” He declared that he gave up being allies and friends with the Banu Qaynuqa Jews. 

Banu Qaynuqa Leave Madinah

The real aim of Rasulullah ﷺ was to keep the mischief and sedition of the Jews away from Madinah and to prevent the dangers caused by them. He reached his aim by expelling them from Madinah.

The time given to Banu Qaynuqa to leave Madinah was three days. When the period of three days ended, they set off to Damascus. When they reached Wadi al-Qura, they stayed there for a month. 

The Jews who lived there gave horses and camels to those who did not have anything to ride on and food to all of them. Then, the Banu Qaynuqa Jews left Wadi al-Qura, reached Azrua and settled there. They soon perished away. 


(2nd Year of Hijrah, Dhul-Hijjah, 5 Sunday)

When seven hundred people from the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa were expelled from Madinah, the city felt relieved. This act of Rasulullah ﷺ was very important in terms of the development of Islam. If those Jews, who were the source of mischief and sedition, had been left in Madinah, they would have definitely set many treacherous plans against Muslims. Their banishment prevented them from doing so.

Peace and calm prevailed in the city.

However, the security was not very good outside the city. The polytheists of Quraysh did not forget the pain of their defeat in Badr; they did not want to forget it, either. When many of the notables of the Quraysh were killed, Abu Sufyan started to regard himself as the leader of the Quraysh; he started to make preparations in order to take the revenge of Badr. He vowed that he would not approach women, would not put on nice smells and would not have a bath or shower unless he took his revenge on Muslims. (10)

In order to keep his vow, Abu Sufyan approached Madinah with two hundred cavalrymen. In fact, he himself knew very well that he could not fight against Muslims with that army. However, he went to Madinah only to keep his vow and to show that he did not give up his vow.

At night, he went to the leader of the Jewish tribe Banu Nadr, who were still residing in Madinah then, and received some secret information about Muslims from him. 

Then, the polytheists approached a place called Urayz, which was three miles away from Madinah, and set fire to a date orchard and two houses. Meanwhile they martyred a Muslim from Ansar and his worker, who were  defenseless and who were working on the field.  (11)

Abu Sufyan regarded that he had kept his vow by having done so and left that place rapidly lest he should be followed and got caught; and he set off to Makkah.

The Messenger of God was informed about the attack. He left Madinah with two hundred men from Ansar and Muhajirs to follow the polytheists. He did not find anyone. He found out that they had fled rapidly.  

The polytheists had brought roasted wheat flour called “sawiq” with them as food. They left the bags of flour on the way because they were heavy and prevented them from running away fast. The mujahids collected those bags of sawiq. That is why the expedition was given the name “sawiq”. (12)


1. Ibn Hisham, Sirah, V. 3, p. 51

2. Ibn Hisham, ibid, V. 3, p. 50

3. Aal-i Imran, 12

4. al-Anfal, 58

5. Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, V. 2, p. 29; Tabari, Tarikh, V. 2, p. 297.

6. Ibn Sa’d, ibid, V. 2, p. 29; Tabari, ibid, V. 2, p. 297.

7. “What is the criterion for establishing friendship and relationship with non-Muslims? Is establishing only military and economic alliances included in the prohibitive boundaries of the Quran?” Badiuzzaman Said Nursi answers those questions and similar ones that can come to the mind convincingly in his book “Münazarat”. We quote the following from his book:

“Question: The Quran prohibits loving Jews and Christians.

“How can you say, ‘make friends with them’?”

“Answer: First of all, the evidence is sound and definite but its meaning and judgment needs to be sound and definite, too. However, interpretations and possibilities are present. The prohibition of the Quran is not general but absolute. The absolute one can have some conditions. Time is a great interpreter; if it shows its conditions, it is not opposed. If the judgment is based on wishes, the point of joining shows the cause of the judgment. 

That is, this prohibition for Jews and Christians is because they reflect Judaism and Christianity. A person is not loved because of his personality; he may be loved because of his attributes and art. It is not necessary for every attribute of a Muslim to be a Muslim attribute. Similarly, not all attributes of an unbeliever are unbeliever attributes. Therefore, why should it not be permissible to have relations with them in terms of their Muslim attributes and useful arts? If you have a wife from the People of the Book, you shall certainly love her!

Secondly, during the Era of Bliss, a great religious revolution took place. Since this revolution caused all of the minds to concentrate on the religion, people loved and hated others due to religion. Therefore, love of non-Muslims implied hypocrisy. However, today the revolution in the world is a strange worldly civilization. What keeps the minds and brains busy is civilization, progress and the world. Besides, most of the Jews and Christians are not faithful to their religions.  The reason why we become friends with them is to take their civilization and technology, and to maintain the law and order, which is an essential for the worldly bliss. This kind of friendship is by no means prohibited by the Quran.” 

(Ba­diuz­za­man Said Nursi, Münazarat, p. 26-27)

8. Al-Maida, 51.

9. Balazuri, Ansab, V. 1, p. 309.

10. Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, V. 2, p. 30.

11. Ibn Hisham, Sirah, V. 3, p. 48; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, V. 2, p. 30; Tabari, Tarikh, V. 2, p. 299.

12. Ibn Hisham, ibid, V. 3, p. 48; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, V. 2, p. 30. was very important in terms of the development of Islam. If those Jews, who were the source of mischief and sedition, had been left in Madinah, they would have definitely set many treacherous plans against Muslims. Their banishment prevented them from doing so.

d, V. 3, p. 48; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, V. 2, p. 30.

13>Heba E. Husseyn:

Chapter 61: The Light They Followed

The Messenger is called a Light because  the first thing which Allah brought forth from the darkness of oblivion with the light of His power...

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